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Восемь архетипов в Ashes of Creation.[1]

Почему я остановился на этих восьми архетипах? Я чувствовал, что они воплощают равновесие между собой: боевым искусством и тайными искусствами. Я чувствовал, что это, как правило, основные классовые идентичности, которые существовали в MMORPG с точки зрения фэнтези с течением времени. Я имею в виду, что у каждого из них есть свой сегмент игроков, который интересует людей. Призыватели и саппорты, бард и целитель, и маг: все это тайные элементы, которые, я думаю, воплощают в себе многое из того, что мы можем сделать из активного способность точки зрения, к которой люди традиционно привыкли. Разбойник, рейнджер, истребитель, танк: я думаю, они представляют собой все боевые элементы боевых классов, которые игрокам нравится видеть в фэнтезийных играх.[2]Steven Sharif

В начале игры игроки смогут выбрать один из восьми архетипов, которые определяют роль персонажа.[3][4]

Мы очень близки к "святой троице" классов. Я думаю, что первичный и вторичный архетипы и их комбинации, создающие те самые 64 разных класса, нужны нам, чтобы в некотором роде размыть границы в этой стандартной троице. Также я считаю, что то, как мы разрабатываем классы, станет тем самым видом взаимодействия под названием "камень-ножницы-бумага", особенно при балансировке их вокруг взаимодействия группы против группы, или взаимодействия внутри группы; и использование системы аугментов позволит игрокам в своём роде выйти за пределы привычных определений в другую область.[5]Steven Sharif

Иконка Архетип Тип.[6] Роль.[7]
bard symbol.jpg Бард Мистический Поддержка
Cleric symbol.png Клерик Мистический Поддержка
fighter icon.png Боец Боевой Урон
Mage symbol.png Маг Мистический Урон
ranger thumb.png Рейнджер Боевой Урон
rogue icon.png Разбойник Боевой Урон
Summoner Class.jpg Призыватель Мистический Поддержка
Tank symbol.png Танк Боевой Танк


Бард - это архетип в Ashes of Creation.[9]

Воистину умножитель силы, бард сплетает песни о славе и завоеваниях, вдохновляя своих товарищей на еще большие свершения. Бард знает тайные и могущественные слова, способен наговорить страшные кошмары или убедить врагов стать друзьями.

Барды - это роль поддержки, которая делает партию лучше в целом.[10]

Барды предназначены для усиления возможностей партии или рейда в рамках своего класса. Это усиление предназначено не только для DPS, но и для поддержки, для лечения, для получения урона, для передвижения. Бардов часто изображают как музыкальный класс, и хотя они могут быть таковыми, многие применения Бардов могут заключаться в том, чтобы просто рассказывать истории. Рассказ истории будет тематическим компонентом того, как Бард взаимодействует с партией. И эта история будет улучшать способности игрока. Это очень похоже на усиление баффов в партии, но вы не будете воспринимать его как "бафф-бота", с которым вы могли сталкиваться в предыдущих играх, где они хороши только для своих баффов, а затем вы выгоняете их из партии, и они сидят в углу и возвращаются через 30 минут. Эти баффы будут связаны с тем, как они действуют.[11]Steven Sharif

Bard classes

Class Primary Secondary
Magician Bard Mage
Minstrel Bard Bard
Siren Bard Tank
Song Warden Bard Ranger
Songcaller Bard Summoner
Soul Weaver Bard Cleric
Tellsword Bard Fighter
Trickster Bard Rogue

Bard skills/abilities

Bards вступают в combat со способностями разных направлений, не только баффами.[12]

  • Барды будут владеть широким спектром способностей на выбор, например wordsmithing, acting, и musical aspects.[13]
    • Барды могут играть на разнообразных музыкальных инструментах, таких как флейта и волынка.[14][15]
  • Барды будут иметь целенаправленные или случайно срабатывающие способности исцеления в гораздо меньше степени чем Clerics.[16]
  • Барды не будут "простаивать". Это роль social spaces внутри nodes.[12]
  • Барды будут иметь набор utility вне боя, как и все остальные classes.[17]

В других играх барды предполагают относительно пассивное направление игры и это не то направление, с которым мы согласны. Мы хотим что бы каждым классом было весело играть. Мы хотим что бы все классы были жизнеспособны. Мы хотим что бы каждый чувствовал что он что-то делает: Что бы каждый момент игры на том или ином классе был веселым; В общем много подобного будет базироваться вокруг комбинаций, на быстрых взаимодействиях ваших членов группы и моба или игрока с которым вы сражаетесь. Будет много передвижений во время боя с фронта в тыл что бы, например, кому-то помочь, убедиться что все получают необходимую помощь; А так же что ты активен в своей роли. Что ты не просто сидишь где-то на фоне пассивно играя на флейте не получая никакого веселья.[18]Jeffrey Bard

Барды могут выбирать баффы, которые поддерживают tanking, evasion, DPS и healing abilities в их направлении.[19]

  • Некоторые баффы завязаны на том, как бард отыгрывает в бою: Если бард попадает skill shot по цели, союзники на некотором расстоянии могут получить временный бафф, относящийся к способности, которую бард использовал.[11]

Давайте представим бард использует оружие, достает меч и... выполняет что-нибудь похожее на атаку гладиатора и это классно выглядит, это воодушевляет его друзей вокруг что бы повысить их множитель критического урона и теперь они наносят дополнительный урон в течении следующих 10 или 8 секунд. В общем ты должен оставаться активным, ты будешь следить за своей позицией, позицией своей команды относительно тебя для того что бы действительно дать своей группе всё на что способен.[11]Steven Sharif


Cleric является одним из архетипов в Ashes of Creation.[9]

Мир полон опасностей, Клерик никогда не нуждался в друзьях. Они могут защищать своих союзников разными способами, а при необходимости и вовсе убивать других. Владея самой сущностью жизненной силы, они могут чувствовать сломанные и испорченные... Нити этой сущности соединяют все и каждого. Жрецы обнаруживают, что особенно настроены на нити, которые направляют жизненную и побуждающую энергию. Укрепляя эти усики нить, они могут исцелять и даже воскрешать раненых. Разрывая их, они могут красть энергию у своих врагов, обращая силы врагов против них самих в бешеном пылу битвы.[22]

Cleric classes

Class Primary Secondary
Apostle Cleric Tank
High Priest Cleric Cleric
Oracle Cleric Mage
Protector Cleric Ranger
Scryer Cleric Bard
Shadow Disciple Cleric Rogue
Shaman Cleric Summoner
Templar Cleric Fighter

Cleric skills/abilities

Restoration. Enhancement. Debilitation. Clerics keep their team in the fight by bolstering their combat abilities and cursing their enemies. Far from simply supporting their allies through healing, a Cleric is also capable of wielding destructive force in the face of danger.[22]

  • There will be a healthy combination of healing and offensive spells available to allow a Cleric to level and progress as a solo player. It's left to the player to decide whether they will spec into more solo or support-oriented group-focussed gameplay. Choice of a secondary archetype will enable further customization in this respect.[24][25]
There's going to be a significant amount of offensive capability for the Cleric because we don't want to create that dynamic where cleric as a support class is inoperable without a companion or a party to go with. We want that Cleric to still be able to survive on their own: to be able to level and progress as a solo player.[25]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngВ этом разделе содержится информация из тестирования Alpha-1. Он будет обновляться по мере поступления новой информации.
Skill Icon Source Description
Barrier Barrier.png Alpha-2 Sacrifice 25% of your maximum health to place a health shield on target ally for 10 seconds. Does not stack.[26][27]
Bless Weapon Bless Weapon.png Alpha-2 Imbues your target's weapon with radiant light, causing each of their weapon combo attacks to deal additional radiant damage and applies a mana regeneration buff to the caster. Each hit extends the duration of the mana regeneration buff, up to a maximum of 15 seconds. Has a 10% chance to proc bonus radiant damage and apply a stack of Burning to the target.[28][29]
Castigation CastigationIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Lashes your target with holy energy whip, dealing direct damage and restoring health and mana to yourself over time.[30][31][32][33]
Chains of Restraint Chains of Restraint Icon2.png Alpha-2 Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.[34][35]
Communal Restoration Communal Restoration Icon2.png Alpha-2 Restore health to all party members in range instantly, plus additional healing over time. Allies under the HoT also receive +10% maximum health for its duration.[36][37] This can overheal.[36]
Condemn Condemn.png Alpha-2 Stun target enemy for 3 seconds.[38][39]
Consecrating Wave Consecrating Wave.png Alpha-2 Send forth a cone of radiance that deals radiant damage to all enemies while healing the ten nearest allies.[40][41]
Defiant Light Defiant Light.png Alpha-2 Heal target ally for 50% of their maximum health over 10 seconds. If that target would receive fatal damage while under this effect, this effect is consumed and prevents that target's death, healing them for 25% of their maximum health instead.[42][43]
Deliverance Deliverance.png Alpha-2 Held ability: Charges up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged and the more % missing health of the target.[44][45]
Devotion DevotionIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Launch an orb of energy into the air that will fall upon your target, healing them.[46][31][47][33]
Divine Censure DivineCensureIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Hurls a radiant spear at the target, dealing damage.[48][31][49][33]
Divine Flare Divine Flare.png Alpha-2 Place a targeted area heal on the ground that heals all targets within after several seconds. Total healing is split between all targets hit.[50][51]
Divine Infusion Divine Infusion.png Alpha-2 Consume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any healing spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.[52][53][54][55]
Divine Light DivineLightIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Heals your target with a flash of light. Reduces the cooldown of Devotion and Radiant Burst.[56][31]
Flash Cure Flash Cure.png Alpha-2 Instantly heal target ally. This may be used during other ability activations.[57][58]
Healing Touch Healing Touch.png Alpha-2 Heal target ally in melee range for a large amount of health.[59][60]
Judgment Judgment Icon2.png Alpha-2 Cast a heal on target ally for a large amount of health. If this is cast on an enemy, it instead deals radiant damage to the target and applies 2 stacks of Burning.[61][62]
Mend Mend.png Alpha-2 Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Each charge of this ability consumed after the first has no mana cost, and restores an increasing amount of mana to the caster based on the number of missing charges. Consecutive uses of the ability will gain bonus healing.[63][64]
Radiant Burst RadiantBurstIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Heals allies around you in a wide area for a large amount.[65] Stacks up to 3 times.[31]
Regeneration RegenerationIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Bathe your target with restorative energy that heals them over time.[66][31]
Resplendent Beam Resplendent Beam.png Alpha-2 Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 5 additional friendly targets closest to the original target, based on how long it was charged. The amount of healing is reduced for each subsequent target.[67][68]
Resurrection ResurrectionIcon.jpg Alpha-1 Resurrects a dead ally with 25% health and 15% mana.[69][31][70][33]
Smite Smite.png Alpha-2 Smite your target, dealing instant damage and applying a stack of Burning to target enemy. Has no cast time and deals increased damage if activated within melee range of the target. This attack always critically hits on targets under the effect of Condemn.[38][71]
Soothing Glow Soothing Glow.png Alpha-2 Apply a healing over time effect to target ally. Reapplying this effect extends its duration on the target by its base duration value.[72][73]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png Alpha-2 Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[74][75] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[76]


Fighter2.PNG Fighter is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[9]

The fighter is really a mobile physical DPS. So they're able to traverse the battlefield. They're able to close the gap quickly. They're able to deal damage from a physical perspective... The fighter is in your face. You try to get away from me I'm going to close that gap. I'm going to deal this burst damage to you and it really doesn't matter if I'm behind you or if you're bleeding or if I've snared you per-se. I am there. I am in your face. I'm doing this damage.[78]Steven Sharif

Fighter classes

Class Primary Secondary
Bladecaller Fighter Summoner
Bladedancer Fighter Bard
Dreadnought Fighter Tank
Highsword Fighter Cleric
Hunter Fighter Ranger
Shadowblade Fighter Rogue
Spellsword Fighter Mage
Weapon Master Fighter Fighter

Fighter skills/abilities

The Fighter archetype includes maneuverability and "closing the gap" mechanics to enable the fighter to quickly traverse distances on the battlefield as well as debuffs that can reduce healing received on a target.[84][81][82][83][85]

Skill Icon Description
Battle Cry Battle Cry.png Unleash a resounding war bellow, applying the Riled effect to the caster and all nearby party members and Shaken to all nearby enemies. Gain 5 Combat Momentum for each target that was Riled. Riled targets have increased stability and have increased chance of tripping Shaken enemies.[86]
Blitz Blitz.png Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[87]
Blood Fusion Blood Fusion.png Return 100% of damage dealt as health and 50% of damage dealt as mana over the next 6 seconds. If activated while below 50% health, gain 25% increased damage mitigation and healing received over the duration.[88]
Brutal Cleave Brutal Cleave.png Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher reduces its cooldown by 8 seconds. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit) [89]
Cataclysm Cataclysm.png Deal heavy damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front you. Shaken enemies have a 5% chance to Trip when hit, and the effect is removed when triggered. This chance doubles when hit by Riled targets.[90]
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow.png Deal Physical damage and apply Snare to target enemy for 6 seconds.[91]
Exert Exert.png Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[92]
Form Of Celerity Form of Celerity.png While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[93]
Form Of Ferocity Form Of Ferocity.png While in this form, the caster receives +2% Attack Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[94]
Form Of Fluidity Form of Fluidity.png While in this form, the caster receives +4% Disable Resistance Chance per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +40%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[95]
Knock Out Knock Out.png Knock out target enemy, putting them to sleep for 10 seconds. Any damage breaks the effect.[96]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[97]
Lethal Blow Lethal Blow.png Perform a powerful descending strike upon target enemy, dealing additional physical damage based on the amount of % missing health, up to 300% base damage.[98]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[99]
Maim Maim.png Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing physical damage to all targets hit, plus 100% additional damage to recently tripped targets.[100]
Overpower Overpower.png Deal direct damage and apply Shaken to target enemy. This ability shares a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes the cooldown of this ability. +10 Combat Momentum.[101]
Rupture Rupture.png Deal physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 5 wound stacks per second that they are moving. After 5 seconds, the largest takes heavy damage, plus additional damage for each stack of wound it has.[102]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[103]
Q: What percentage of Fighter skills are templated attacks versus requiring a target?
A: There's probably four or five abilities right now that require a single target and then I think the rest are either like on self or some template conal attack or something.[104]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 Mage Chain Lightning arcing around an environmental obstacle.[105]

You saw there that I ice bolted to apply stacks of chill. I Then followed up with my Elemental Empowerment attacks that added additional chill stacks, which created the frozen condition on the target they couldn't move; and then before that frozen conditions subsided I used my Arc Lightning in order to cause the Shattered effect.[106]Steven Sharif

Alpha-2 Melee Mage using a Greatsword weapon combo with class abilities.[107]

Different weapons have different synergies with class abilities, which just introduces that extra level of depth. It's like, how can I maximize the effect of this... I'm trading in this case my ranged potential for the ability to apply these status effects in a more AoE regard, which makes Greatsword a lot better for dealing with packs than the wand; and sometimes you'll even be able to use either one based on the situation. We allow players to swap their weapons based on what they are coming up against and it creates a lot of answers to different situations if you have the tools for it.[108]Tradd Thompson

Mage3.PNG Mage is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[109][9]

  • Mages are able to combine skills from different elements, along with non-elemental spells and weapon attacks to produce powerful synergies and combos.[106]
    • Players can focus exclusively on a single element, but this will reduce their ability to benefit from synergies and combos between different elements.[110]
Passive essence is converted into useful forms and patterns under their direction, which can then take the shape of nearly anything imaginable! Mages can bend space, summon light, or set the very air ablaze – applying force in all its rawness, or in any shade of their elemental fury.[109]
Mages tend to have the most direct relationship with essence compared to others, and they manage that bond with a singular will... As a Mage’s connection to essence develops further, their power will continue to grow, unfold, and take shape.[109]

Mage classes

Class Primary Secondary
Acolyte Mage Cleric
Archwizard Mage Mage
Battle Mage Mage Fighter
Shadow Caster Mage Rogue
Sorcerer Mage Bard
Spellhunter Mage Ranger
Spellstone Mage Tank
Warlock Mage Summoner

Mage skills/abilities

Skill Icon Description
Arcane Empowerment Mage Spell Shift 8.png Temporarily dramatically increased cast time while active. Consume all spell charges for increased duration per charge consumed. Spell charges are generated whenever you cast an offensive mage spell while not under the effects of Arcane Empowerment. Each cast generates 1 charge, up to a maximum of 10 charges.[111]
Arcane Eye Arcane Eye Icon.png Conjure a magical eye that reveals any camouflaged enemies within a 20 meter radius around you to you and all party members over the next 8 seconds.[112]
Arcane Volley Arcane Volley (Active).png Fires a volley of arcane missiles at your target, dealing arcane damage with each hit.[113][114]
Ball Lightning Ball Lightning Icon.png Creates a large ball of highly charged electricity that travels slowly forward, dealing rapid periodic lightning damage to enemies it overlaps with and applying 1 Electrified stack to targets with each hit.[115][116][117]
Blink Blink.png Instantly teleport a set distance in the direction you are moving.[118][119]
Blizzard Blizzard.png Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Each shard impact deals ice damage in a small area around it. All enemies in the blizzard also acquire 1 stack of Chilled periodically. Activate the ability again to end the channel early.[120][121][115]
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[122][123][124]
Cone of Cold Cone of Ice.png Blasts a cone of cold in front of the caster, dealing ice damage and applying 1 stack of Chilled to each enemy hit.[115][125][126]
Elemental Empowerment Elemental Empowerment (active).png Whenever you cast an elemental spell, your weapon attacks deal additional damage of that spell's element and apply a stack of the corresponding elemental status effects to targets hit. Casting a spell of a different element switches this effect to the new element.[127][128]
Fireball Fireball (Active).png Instantly hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing fire damage and applying 1 stack of Burning to target on impact. Burning deals periodic fire damage over time for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Conflagrated, dealing extreme fire damage over time.[129] Hitting a conflagrating enemy with a lightning spell causes Fusion, dealing significant damage and removing the Conflagrated effect.[130]
Fissure Mage Spell 7.png Call forth a line of jagged earth spikes in front of the[sic] you, dealing earth damage and applying 10 stacks of Stagger to each enemy hit along its path while launching them upwards.[131]
Frostbolt Frostbolt (Active).png Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing ice damage and applying 2 Chilled stacks to the target on impact. Chilled reduces movement speed of the target for each stack applied. When the target reaches 5 stacks, they become Frozen, rooting them in place for the duration. Hitting a frozen enemy with a lightning spell causes them to Shatter, dealing significant damage and removing the Frozen effect.[132][133]
Lightning Strike Lightning Strike (Active).png Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing lightning damage and applying 2 stacks of Electrified to the target. This deals additional damage based on how long it was charged. Electrified reduces the target's magical mitigation for each stack applied. When the target reaches 10 stacks, all Electrified stacks are consumed and they become temporarily Shocked. Whenever a Shocked enemy takes damage, they take additional damage and 1 stack of Shocked is consumed. Shocked is initially applied with 20 stacks.[134][135]
Magma Field (Lavastorm).png Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals fire damage to enemies per tick while periodically applying a stack of Burning to enemies within the area.[136]
Meteor (Meteor Shower).png Conjures a massive flaming rock before sending it hurling toward target location. Upon impact, it deals major fire damage while knocking foes flying, and then continues to roll forward for its remaining distance, dealing additional fire damage while applying stacks of Burning to enemies along its path.[137]
Quake Quake.png Held ability: Cast a powerful earthquake that deals more damage the longer it was charged and applies 10 stacks of Staggered to all enemies around the caster. If the spell was fully charged, this applies Tripped instead of Staggered.[138]
Shell Shield.png Create a protective magical shell[139] around yourself that absorbs a large amount of damage before breaking.[140][141]
Slumber Slumber (Active).png Applies the sleeping condition to targets affected within a small area around the primary target, rendering them unable to move or take any action. Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. Duration is reduced by 20% for each additional target hit, to a minimum of 40% of base duration.[142][143][144]


Ranger3.PNG Ranger is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[9]

Death from afar is the ranger's raison d'etre. A master of the bow and ranged combat, the Ranger is more than happy to let others get their hands dirty. No one else has such a keen eye in natural environments.

Q: Tank has resolve, Cleric has divine power, what does Ranger have?
A: That's a very good question. It is the interaction between the Hunts and the Marks. That is something that we're going to be focusing in on a little bit more. Right now, that is still something that the combat team is working on for the Ranger class.[147]Steven Sharif
Q: Why was the minimum distance required removed for the Rangers ranged attacks?
A: Originally when I was thinking about the Ranger, I had thought about introducing a minimum range requirement in order to offset its flexibility in combat and having them think a little bit more strategically about positioning on the battlefield. That became an un-fun experience when we playtested it and so we decided to remove it. Instead we may choose to play around with things like range too close affecting something maybe like accuracy. We haven't playtested with that. Or, we just might not incorporate it and instead let it live within the abilities you saw. An example of that with regards to the lightning ability having variable effects conferred at different ranges. That right now is the approach that we're taking.[148]Steven Sharif

Ranger classes

Clase Primario Secundarios
Bowsinger Ranger Bard
Falconer Ranger Summoner
Hawkeye Ranger Ranger
Scion Ranger Mage
Scout Ranger Rogue
Sentinel Ranger Tank
Soulbow Ranger Cleric
Strider Ranger Fighter

Ranger skills/abilities

The majority of a Ranger's skill tree will likely be ranged, but there will be options to incorporate melee aspects.[149]

  • Some abilities require a bow to be equipped.[150][151][152][153]
  • Instead of a minimum range requirement, certain Ranger skills, such as Thundering Shot, currently have variable effects conferred at different ranges.[148]
  • The majority of Ranger abilities allow movement while casting. Only a few abilities impose movement penalties while casting.[150]
Skill Icon Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[154] The root effect is nature based.[155]
Barrage Barrage Icon.png Fires a continual barrage of arrows at your target for 1.5 seconds, dealing 12% physical damage per arrow.[156]
Bear Trap Bear Trap Icon.png Spawn a Trap at the target location, which arms after 1 second. When an enemy triggers the Trap, they take damage and become Rooted for 2 seconds.[157]
Call of the Wild Call of the Wild Icon.png Remove all movement impairing effects and increase movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. Snares and Roots effects applied to the caster are ignored.[158]
Camouflage Camoflague Icon.png You become harder to see and cannot be directly targeted. The further you are from an enemy, the more difficult you are to spot. Any outgoing combat actions cancel this effect, as well as incoming damage or other negative effects.[159]
Disengage Disengage Icon.png Delivers a quick kick backflipping in the opposite direction. Enemies hit are Snared for 4 seconds.[160]
Headshot Headshot.png Deals 175% physical damage to target enemy.[161]
Hunt of the Bear Hunt of the Bear.png Call forth the spirit of the bear, imbuing yourself with increased physical mitigation.[162]
Hunt of the Raven Hunt of the Raven.png Call forth the spirit of the raven, imbuing yourself with increased physical penetration.[163]
Hunt of the Tiger Hunt of the Tiger.png Call forth the spirit of the tiger, imbuing yourself with 10% increased critical damage.[164]
Imbue Ammo: Barbed Imbue Ammo Barbed Icon2.png Imbues your ammunition with barbed thorns. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Bleeding status effect, dealing damage over time. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 30 seconds. 10 charges.[165]
Imbue Ammo: Concussive Imbue Ammo Concussive Icon2.png Imbues your ammunition with concussive force. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer ten stacks of the Staggered status effect, increasing Tripped duration when applied and lowering their accuracy and evasion stats per stack. 10 charges.[166]
Imbue Ammo: Weighted Imbue Ammo-Weighted.png Imbues your ammunition with weight. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Snared status effect, reducing their movement speed by 50%. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 12 seconds. 10 charges.[167]
Lightning Reload Lightning Reload Icon.png Grants a charge of Lightning Reload, allowing you to fire one ability Shot for free, ignoring its cooldown and other costs.[168]
Mark of the Bear Mark of the Bear.png Marks the target, reducing their mitigation by 25%.[169]
Mark of the Raven Mark of the Raven.png Marks the target, triggering bonus damage every time the target is hit. The lower the health on the target is, the higher the damage.[170]
Mark of the Tiger Mark of the Tiger Icon clean.png Marks the target, increasing critical chance versus the target by 50%.[171]
Piercing Shot Piercing Shot.png Fire a projectile that travels in a straight line, piercing through and damaging all enemies in its path.[172]
Raining Death Raining Death reskin.png Fires a dense rain of arrows 20 meters ahead, dealing high damage. Deals more damage to more distant targets.[173]
Scatter Shot Scatter Shot Icon.png Fires a spread of projectiles, dealing Physical Damage to every enemy target within a 20m cone in front of the caster.[174]
Snipe Snipe New.png Charge a powerful ranged attack, dealing large damage after charging for 3 seconds. Deals 300% physical damage.[175]
Thundering Shot Thundering Shot Icon.png Fires a lightning-infused projectile at your target, dealing 200% of your physical power as Lightning damage.[176]
Vine Field Vine Field reskin.png Summons 3 fields of grabbing vines, one at the target location every .5s for 1.5s. Targets hit are damaged for 10% physical damage and snared for 3s, reducing their movement speed by 40%. Targets that have more than 10s of snare duration are rooted. This effect can only trigger once per target.[177]


Pre-alpha Rogue/Ranger (Predator).[178]

The rogue is master of opportunity, using skill, positioning, and the environment to dish out frightening amounts of damage. In their downtime, they provide solid utility, helping their friends navigate dangers otherwise unseen.

Rogue2a.PNG Rogue is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[9]

The rogue is more physical disable oriented: Applying bleeds or snares or having precision damage that's situational. Being stealthy. That's how I view the rogue role... The rogue's like you don't see me, I'm coming in and boom I stab you in the back and I do extra damage because of it. Now you're bleeding and you're trying to snare away and walking away, and that's a rogue in my opinion.[78]Steven Sharif

Rogue classes

Clase Primario Secundario
Assassin Rogue Rogue
Charlatan Rogue Bard
Cultist Rogue Cleric
Duelist Rogue Fighter
Nightspell Rogue Mage
Predator Rogue Ranger
Shadow Guardian Rogue Tank
Shadow Lord Rogue Summoner

Rogue skills/abilities

All classes are capable adventurers, but rogues excel at delving the deepest dungeons and finding the most hidden of treasures.[179]

  • Rogues will have utility skills that enable them to discover hidden doors, traps and additional treasures.[180]
  • These will be randomly spawned throughout different times of the day to ensure that encounters are not the same each time.[180]

If you're in a party and you have a Rogue that's available, they'll be able to use that utility skill to discover these random doors that might exist in a dungeon. Now the way we make it so that it's not essentially the same door every time and it's just a first time thing and every time thereafter where that door's at, is these locations are randomly spawned throughout different times of the day so they'll change essentially as you go into a dungeon at different times. So it'll be important and relevant for parties to make sure that they have a diversity of archetypes available to them. And in particular for the rogues case because they can find those hidden type doors and then have access to different types of loot tables based off of that.[180]Steven Sharif

Skill Icon Description
Stealth This does not render a player completely invisible.[181] Instead, there will be indicators that can help players "feel out" where stealthed individuals may be.[182]


Summoner symbol.[183]

The summoner is never alone. Two hands are good, but in the summoner's opinion, four hands are always better. With the right tool for every job, there's no situation they can't handle.

Summoner3a.PNG Summoner is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[9]

Q: Summoner has been said to fill in the gaps in a party's role composition. What exactly does that mean in practice? Are they capable of speccing to be pure DPS, pure heals, or pure tank? Or instead are they supposed to be doing all three at a lesser level as needed?
A: It depends on the summon that they bring out. They will have a variety of summon options and they will have supporting abilities that enhance the role of that particular summon, or that can hybridize the role of that summon based on the ability they cast on the summon or support by attacking- by casting on the target either. So is something that is flexible based on the summoner; and then when you choose a secondary archetype as your total class, that- as a primary summoner- that will influence which category your summons perform best as a role. So if you go with a secondary archetype for your class selection that's more DPS oriented this summons from a role category perspective will be a DPS summons. You'll still have the flexibility, but it won't be as strong as if you had chosen a support or a tank role and the summon benefits you would have as a result of those secondary choices.[184]Steven Sharif
Q: Will Summoners want to build different stats when playing as either a DPS, healer, or tank role?
A: Yes. It is important that Summoners understand the role they're trying to hybridize into, as that decision might influence the types of stats they want to spec for.[185]Steven Sharif

Summoner classes

Class Primary Secondary
Beastmaster Summoner Ranger
Brood Warden Summoner Tank
Conjurer Summoner Summoner
Enchanter Summoner Bard
Necromancer Summoner Cleric
Shadowmancer Summoner Rogue
Spellmancer Summoner Mage
Wild Blade Summoner Fighter

Summoner skills/abilities

The summoner uses abilities that channel through their summons (also referred to as class skill pets).[186][187]

You gain your summons from your summoner class as an active skill and then skills can be further developed with points.[189]Steven Sharif
  • Abilities from the summon appear on the summoner's hotbar. The summoner is essentially playing through their summon.[186][187]
    • Summoner has control over their summon, unless the summon is under ancillary effects.[186][190][187]
  • Summoners will not be able to fuse with or be taken over by their normal summons.[186][187]
  • Summoners may also have the ability to transfer pain to their summons, meaning that a portion of damage or threat taken by the summoner can be transferred to their summon instead.[192]
  • Summoner summons are not the same as combat pets.[193]
    • Summoner's summons will add to the summoner's power when they are summoned, unlike combat pets, which take a portion of the player's power.[194]
The Summoner archetype does not have that portion of power taken away when they summon their pet. That's part of their... power is their summon.[194]Steven Sharif
  • Summons will exist until another summon is cast, the summon is killed, or the summoner logs off.[195]
  • Summons can be leveled through the application of skill points to their active skill.[189]
  • Summons will be able to use crowd control (CC).[196]
  • Summoners may be able to name their summons, but will not be able to change their creature type, which is part of the nameplate above the summon.[197]
  • Summons follow the same PvP flagging rules as players and share the player's flag status.[198][199]
Summons follow the same flagging rules as players, if your summon pks someone, you gain corruption[198]Steven Sharif

Summoners summon different varieties of summons, depending on the class and augments they choose.[200][201]

Augments from a secondary archetype can be applied to a summon.[203]

For example: If your summon had a sweeping attack with a claw, or had the ability to bite an opponent, or rush an opponent; and you took teleportation, you could rush them similar to how I've given an example with the tank: Teleporting to a target instead. Or, its claws could combust on impact on a target dealing some burn damage that persists. Or... let's say your summon traditionally was some type of bear or bear cat, you could apply an elemental augment and now it could be a transparent flaming bioluminescent cat; and its damage would be fire based. So, that's how we want to influence the active skills with how augments apply; and that's how it would apply with Summoners.[203]Steven Sharif


Alpha-2 Tank preview gameplay.{[204]

As the heart of any good unit, a Tank knows their duty and strength lie at the front lines of the fray. All around them, the battle ebbs and flows with the steady beating of that heart. While some may channel essence to create fire or summon ethereal beings, Tanks manipulate essence to gird their bodies and reshape the battlefield. Against an unstoppable force, the Tank becomes an immovable object, with essence binding them to the earth. Tanks can pull at the threads of an opponent’s mind, manipulating their emotions and goading them into devastating tactical mistakes.[205]

Tank Archetype. Alpha-1 Снимок экрана. Автор изображения: User:Asenscient

Tank1.PNG Tank is an archetype in Ashes of Creation.[9]

Ashes of Creation tank will be a pretty classic one: One that tank players are familiar with; and I think that's what people want. We don't need to necessarily redefine what the tank is, but I think we can improve it. There's some things that obviously- you'll have your expected mechanics like threat management and generation, mitigation, control, battlefield control, CC effects; but then we'd also like to see more direct ways of protecting your party members too- exploring, like Aegis, that's just scratching the surface of that thing; but being able to actually actively take damage for your allies, that isn't just manipulating the AI is another thing about tanks that I think a lot of people deal with other games, is they're they're pretty bad in PvP, like when threat is removed from the equation, what am I doing as a tank when players just ignore me? And so we want to offer more direct mechanics that cause even players- or encourage players to attack the tank to make it so that the tank can't protect their allies against you.[206]Tradd Thompson

All classes with Tank as primary archetype will be viable for tanking upper-end raids, dungeons and world bosses.[207][208]

Q: When it comes to tanking, will it be primarily the tank archetypes that will be able to tank, or can other people tank?
A: Other people can tank. It really depends on the setting. If we're talking high-end raiding or dungeoneering and playing in these areas that require a main tank, that role and responsibility lies to the Tank archetype. Now tank archetypes can obviously take secondary archetype selections and they can hybridize across different roles. That'll give them a bit of horizontal utility or horizontal progression to the augment system; and the best tanks are going to be the tanks that double down in that role.[207]Steven Sharif
  • The developers are considering formation-based mechanics that grant effects such as damage mitigation based on positioning of party members.[209]
Also formation-based type effects. For example, there's a really cool skill that we just began working on for the tank, where you have a vector required for players to be within behind that tank that mitigates damage incoming from a different direction. So there's directional-based type situations that require location of players in your party to be cognizant of those locations.[209]Steven Sharif
  • Tanks in general will have some control over encounters but will likely not have total control.[210]
Q: Tanks need to do two things: Mitigate damage and hold aggro. How will tank weapons, shields, and armor balance these two dynamics compared to other gear sets?
A: I think it does so in a few ways. I mean, obviously stack composition and your itemization choices are important. Making sure you're driving up your constitution-based stat allocation through selection of certain set bonuses and/or stat modifiers. But in addition, a big portion of that is not just through itemization, but also through your skill tree selections; and they don't have to be diametrically opposed. The ability to garner additional threat is predicated on your rotational selection and and how you are leveraging certain types of set bonuses that are catered towards that role specifically. So some set bonuses will have specific, very targeted benefits like additional threat generation. But in addition, if you're going to mitigate damage, you need to make sure you're focusing on your health pool: how much health pool do you have available to you? What type of damage are you mitigating- because we have different types of damage mitigation from magic to physical; and that's predicated on who your opponent is, where your adversary lives. Both of those are viable selection or viable strategies.[211]Steven Sharif
Q: What steps are being taken or considered to make the tank archetype viable in PvP engagements?
A: It's important to note that in a lot of MMOs that probably many of us have played. PVP can feel like a slapped on design consideration; and our approach is very holistic in the sense that we take into account the fact this is a PvX game. So when we're designing the class kits, we are making sure that mechanics and designs are targeting applicability both in PvE settings as well as PvP settings. That's very important. There are also special mechanics, like how threat is used in PvP, how taunts are used in PvP. Those things I think require testing, but we have some ideas that will make them relevant so that you don't have abilities that have no relevancy in PvE or PVP, but have some cross application.[213]Steven Sharif
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Tanks will have different build options:[214]

Tanks will not be forced to have a shield but it will definitely be a viable option.[214]Jeffrey Bard

Tank classes

Class Primary Secondary
Argent Tank Bard
Guardian Tank Tank
Keeper Tank Summoner
Knight Tank Fighter
Nightshield Tank Rogue
Paladin Tank Cleric
Spellshield Tank Mage
Warden Tank Ranger

Tank skills/abilities

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Skill Icon Source Description
Absorption Field Absorption Field.png Alpha-2 A field of absorption.[215]
Aegis Aegis New Icon.png Alpha-2 Instantly dispels all negative effects on the caster, then creates a protective dome behind the tank for 15 seconds, transferring 50% of all damage received by targets within the area to the tank instead. All targets within the cone also receive increased status effect resistance for the duration.[216]
Ancestral Bolas Ancestral Bolas.png Alpha-2 Throws a magical web of bolas at the target location. All enemies within are snared and build additional hate towards the tank every second. Enemies entering or exiting the radius will be tripped.[217]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Alpha-2 Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[218][219]
Grit GritIcon.png Alpha-2 Applies a buff to the caster, reducing incoming damage by 15%, but also reducing movement speed by 30% and outgoing damage by 20%. Each incoming hit consumes a stack of courage to reduce incoming damage by an additional 15%. Courage can not be generated while Grit is active.[220]
Hatred V Tank Ability Active.png Alpha-0 Single target that adds hate.[221]
Inciting Strikes IncitingStrikesIcon.png Alpha-2 Slashes twice in a forward cone while adding additional threat.[222]
Indomitable Spirit Indomitable Spirit.png Alpha-2 30% increased max HP and 30% increased healing received.[223]
Защитить Protect (Active).png Alpha-2 Intercept attacks that strike your friendly nearby target, redirecting half of the damage taken to you. Must be within 10ys to Protect. If this range is exceeded for more than 5 seconds, the effect ends.[224]
Rush of Courage Rush of Courage.png Alpha-2 You feel a surge of resolve - gain 100 Courage.[225]
Shake It Off Shake It Off.png Alpha-2 Activate to instantly restore 50% of all damage taken in the past 4 seconds. Always heals for at least 10% of your maximum HP.[226]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Alpha-2 Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[227]
Slam Slam.png Alpha-2 Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[228]
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Alpha-2 Releases a thundering shout in a forward cone, applying the staggered condition on enemy targets. Also stomps the ground dealing damage around the caster and tripping enemies affected by the snared condition.[229]

Смотрите также


  1. Ashes of Creation Kickstarter.
  2. Подкаст, 2021-09-29 (24:18).
  3. Интервью, 2020-07-18 (1:05:04).
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  5. Подкаст, 2018-05-11 (25:58).
  6. Интервью, 2020-07-29 (49:53).
  7. Group dynamics blog.
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  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Archetype breakdown.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Прямая трансляция, 2018-01-18 (45:52).
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  181. Прямая трансляция, 2017-05-03 (49:39).
  182. summoner quote.png
  183. 184.0 184.1 Прямая трансляция, 2022-09-30 (1:14:20).
  184. Прямая трансляция, 2024-02-29 (1:24:13).
  185. 186.0 186.1 186.2 186.3 186.4 Прямая трансляция, 2023-03-31 (1:22:21).
  186. 187.0 187.1 187.2 187.3 Прямая трансляция, 2017-05-19 (10:06).
  187. steven-summoners.png
  188. 189.0 189.1 Интервью, 2018-08-08 (22:27).
  189. steven-summon-control.png
  190. Прямая трансляция, 2017-05-26 (43:20).
  191. Прямая трансляция, 2023-02-24 (1:27:22).
  192. Прямая трансляция, 2020-10-30 (1:21:14).
  193. 194.0 194.1 Интервью, 2022-01-14 (42:18).
  194. 195.0 195.1 Прямая трансляция, 2020-07-25 (1:41:46).
  195. summons-ccs.png
  196. Прямая трансляция, 2021-01-29 (1:21:01).
  197. 198.0 198.1 steven-summons-pvp-1.png
  198. steven-summons-pvp-2.png
  199. Интервью, 2021-06-13 (13:11).
  200. 201.0 201.1 201.2 201.3 201.4 201.5 201.6 Прямая трансляция, 2018-04-8 (AM) (0:58).
  201. 202.0 202.1 Прямая трансляция, 2018-04-8 (PM) (11:27).
  202. 203.0 203.1 Прямая трансляция, 2018-04-8 (PM) (24:11).
  203. Видео, 2023-01-27 (13:23).
  204. Blog: Bulwark on the Battlefield - Tank Alpha One Preview.
  205. Видео, 2023-01-27 (19:05).
  206. 207.0 207.1 207.2 Прямая трансляция, 2023-01-27 (1:12:20).
  207. Интервью, 2018-05-11 (51:11).
  208. 209.0 209.1 Прямая трансляция, 2022-10-14 (20:02).
  209. Прямая трансляция, 2023-01-27 (1:24:16).
  210. Прямая трансляция, 2023-01-27 (1:26:12).
  211. Прямая трансляция, 2023-01-27 (1:25:32).
  212. Прямая трансляция, 2023-01-27 (1:28:24).
  213. 214.0 214.1 214.2 214.3 214.4 Прямая трансляция, 2017-05-26 (32:59).
  214. Absorption Field Description.png
  215. Видео, 2023-01-27 (9:54).
  216. Ancestral Bolas Description.png
  217. Видео, 2023-03-31 (9:55).
  218. Видео, 2023-01-27 (10:27).
  219. Видео, 2023-01-27 (5:21).
  220. Прямая трансляция, 2017-10-16 (21:48).
  221. Видео, 2023-01-27 (6:41).
  222. Indomitable Spirit Description.png
  223. Protect Description.png
  224. Rush of Courage Description.png
  225. Shake It Off Description.png
  226. Видео, 2023-01-27 (5:07).
  227. Slam Description.png
  228. Видео, 2023-01-27 (7:28).