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Skill points

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Alpha-2 Ranger skill tree user interface (WIP).[1]

What you're seeing at a high level here is just what you'd pretty much expect of a traditional skill. We're doing something a little more advanced than just like a bottom up structure, because we're being a little bit more free-form in this iteration. This will obviously see more UI iterations in the future, but you'll see a mix of active and passive abilities here. Actives are indicated by their square shape, while the circular ones are representing passives; and one thing to note as well is that these passives are aiming to be a little more interesting than just like, this ability does more damage now, or it has a lower cooldown. We do have some of those too, but the goal with a lot of these passives in addition to that is to allow people to lean into unique play styles. So you'll notice that some of them are are changing your gameplay in meaningful ways; and that's the direction we want to take um player and character customization as a whole.[1]Tradd Thompson

Players receive skill points at specific points as they level.[2] These can be used to level up skills (increase their rank) within their active, passive or combat/weapon skill trees.[3][4][5][6]

Making active skills capable of receiving additional skill point allocations and unlocking additional features so that from a player agency standpoint it's going to be up to you whether or not you want to be more diverse but less depth- wider and not taller, in some of these skill choices. Or if you want to be very very tall, that's going to be something that is up to the player in that regard.[7]Steven Sharif
  • Skill points will accrue at specific XP milestones, such as 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 progress through the level, so as to avoid creating an imbalance with experience debt.[2]
We do have this concept of experience debt that does accrue and we don't want to create an imbalance between skill points acquired versus experience, so we're going to predicate your skill points acquisition based on benchmarks you reach when leveling through a level. So these are going to be at specific points in the level, like one quarter progress, to half progress, to three quarters progress: you're going to get an influx of skill points and then you'll be able to allocate them into your skill tree.[2]Steven Sharif
  • Skill points can be used to unlock universal skills at the expense of unlocking class-specific skills.[8]
  • Respeccing (resetting and reallocating) adventuring skills may require travelling to a specific location rather than being able to be done on-the-fly.[9][10]
  • Augments do not cost skill points.[11] It was previously stated that certain augments will have more expense required on the skill point side.[12]
info-orange.pngНекоторая из приведенной ниже информации не была подтверждена разработчиками и может не входить в текущую дорожную карту разработки.
  • It will not be possible to max all skills in a skill tree.[6]
  • In terms of skill progression, players can choose to go "wide" and get a number of different abilities, or go "deep" into a few specific abilities.[13]

Primary skills

Предварительный просмотр основных навыков Alpha-1.[14]

Если из восьми архетипов вы выберете второстепенный, вы получите выбор дополнений, которые относятся к какому-то основному идеалу этого класса. Вы знаете, что танк предназначен для контроля над полем боя, для выживания. Маг наносит урон, элементы и способности в AoE. Разбойник будет посвящен скрытности и критическому урону. Таким образом, эти дополнения будут играть против этих личностей.[15]Steven Sharif

Идея системы заключается в том, что вы как бы обходите черту с помощью этих дополнений к своей роли, верно. У нас есть традиционная святая троица, которая присутствует в дизайне классов для MMO, и часто они либо не отклоняются вообще, либо полностью отклоняются от них. Дополнение должно как бы предложить баланс между тем, где вы все еще сохраняете подобие этой системы троицы, и предлагает возможность настроить свой игровой опыт в соответствии с одним из других углов треугольника.[16]Steven Sharif

Основные навыки (способности класса) основаны на архетипе игрока.[17] Игроки могут персонализировать свои основные навыки с помощью дополнительного архетипа.[18][17][19]

Дизайн дополнений заключается не только в том, чтобы изменить вкус, чтобы он отражал вторичный архетип, но и в корне изменить основные компоненты навыка.[20]Steven Sharif

  • Каждый вторичный архетип предлагает четыре разные школы аугментации.[18][21] Каждая школа дополнений по-разному влияет на навыки основного архетипа.[22]
    Будет определенный порог, при котором вы больше не сможете увеличивать свои активные способности на основе решений, которые вы усилили предыдущими способностями, поэтому вам придется выбирать, к каким из них вы хотите применить улучшения; и для некоторых дополнений потребуется больше очков навыков.[12]Steven Sharif
  • Выбор одного и того же первичного и вторичного архетипа увеличивает внимание к этому архетипу.[23]
  • Дополнения к первичным навыкам коренным образом изменят способ работы способности: адаптируя то, что когда-то делала способность, чтобы включить идентичность вторичного архетипа.[24]
  • Для изменения аугментаций ваших навыков вам потребуется обратиться к NPC в узле деревни или выше.[26]
  • Некоторые цвета заклинаний и общие эффекты меняются в зависимости от дополнений.[27]
    • Активные навыки могут выглядеть совершенно по-другому после применения аугментации.[28]

Ожидается, что основные навыки в Alpha-2 будут сильно отличаться от навыков в Alpha-1.[30]

Список способностей в Alpha One и близко не соответствует тому, что будет, особенно с точки зрения уровня/прогрессии. Таким образом, вы можете ожидать, что он будет невероятно разным.[30]Steven Sharif

Active skills

Игроки могут создавать своих персонажей с помощью активных навыков, которые они хотят, на панели действий.[32][33]

Очевидно, у вас будет несколько горячих панелей, потому что у вас будут расходные материалы, активные навыки и еще много чего. Но количество активных навыков не обязательно будет подавлять персонажа и не будет иметь значения, особенно на определенных этапах.[7]Steven Sharif

Respeccing skills

Respeccing (resetting and reallocating) adventuring skills may require travelling to a specific location rather than being able to be done on-the-fly.[9][10]

I am still conflicted on whether or not I want to allow respecs on-the-fly. I believe that respecing should be done at a particular location that requires a bit of transit and some strategic thinking ahead of time about the encounters that you're expecting, but respecing your class should be relatively easier obviously with that constraint of being at a particular location.[9]Steven Sharif
  • Swapping between multiple saved specs may be able to be done after a suitable cooldown period.[37][38]
  • Respeccing artisan skills is going to be more difficult than respeccing adventuring skills.[9]

Прокачка класса

  • Игроки получают очки умений по мере повышения уровня. Их можно тратить на повышение уровней умений в дереве умений.[6]
    • Повысить до максимума все умения в дереве умений будет невозможно.[6]

Если Файтер выбрал Мага в качестве второго архетипа, файтер станет Spellsword. Эта комбинация открывает дополнения, которые можно назначить умениям в первичном дереве умений. У файтеров есть Rush - умение, которое позволяет им делать рывок к цели, а при достижении цели - наносить урон с шансом сбить цель с ног. К этому умению можно добавить дополнение Mage's escape, благодаря которому умение станет телепортировать игрока к цели, снижая время, которое тратилось на рывок.[17]

Развитие класса не связано с развитием ремесленной профессии игрока.[43]

Мировые события не влияют напрямую на эффективность класса, но могут иметь дополнительные эффекты с точки зрения доступности снаряжения, чар или татуировок.[44]

Universal skills

Universal skills, such as active blocking and dodge rolling, are able to be unlocked by all archetypes.[8][29]

Outside of your class-specific skill tree, there's going to be a subsection of a few skills that are universal, like active block, like dodge; and I think what we're going to do- or at least what we're going to be discussing here- is those universal skills will have progressions that might align with your passive tree; and you can spec skill points into progressing additional features of those universal abilities that you will have access to. So I think that's probably going to be the direction that we're going to take.[29]Steven Sharif
  • Skill points can be used to unlock universal skills at the expense of unlocking class-specific skills.[8]
Q: Will each archetype be equally efficient with universal skills, like dodging and active blocking, or will each of them have their own versions and flavors, or will some people be more powerful than others?
A: We want to provide a progression path that's shared for those universal skills across all the archetypes. So when you spend skill points, you can choose to spend them within the universal skill set and unlock particular ability types for the universal skills as well, but you will be spending them from the skill points that you would normally spend within your class-specific skill tree; and this offers again a different wheel of customization that I think is interesting.[8]Steven Sharif
  • The developers will be testing the use of separate energy mechanics for universal skills in Alpha-2.[45]
  • Universal skill progression may align with a player's passive skill tree.[29]

Weapon skills

Alpha-2 work-in-progress Greatsword weapon skill tree.[46]

The intent here is to give you choices. Either I want to extend and improve my combo, or I want just passive benefits that increase my attack speed or crit chance.[47]Brian Ferguson

Weapon skills grant passive skills and proc effects and other status conditions, rather than usable skills on a player's action bar.[48] The more skill points that are allocated to the weapon tree, the greater a player's weapon familiarity. This influences things like the number of attacks, attack speed, and increased chances of proc effects from carrying out basic attacks with that weapon. These procs may offer synergy with the player's active skills.[49][50][51][48][52][53][54][55][56][57][4][5][58][24][59] This synergy also applies to active skills from other characters.[50][3]

Weapon skill trees are skill trees that you can unlock and invest points into as you continue to develop your experience with certain weapon types, certain weapon groups, like a dagger; and when you're doing your basic combo attack with those weapons, which is universal for all classes- anybody can use any type of weapon because stats can be changed on these weapon types through crafting and through drops- there will be certain proc effects that live on the weapon skill tree as you advance in them; and those proc effect effects will be able to interact with your archetype skills because they will have promotion type effects that occur when they synergize with one another.[49]Steven Sharif
Our approach is not going to be providing skills through weapons. It's going to be providing skills through classes.[52]Steven Sharif
Let's say a dagger has some slashing effects that bleed the target or that cripple the target... Every time you attack you have a chance to proc that effect. That effect then can synergize with what your active skills tree has available to it. So let's say your backstab deals 30 additional damage to a bleeding target. If you attack with your main weapon first and the target gets the bleed proc off and you do your backstab skill then you're synergizing your effects.[5]Steven Sharif
Let's say backstab that you can apply to deals damage to the target and it'll have a conditional modifier on that damage if you're behind the target, and it'll have a conditional modifier deal additional 50 damage if the target is under a bleed effect. So you want to synergize essentially your weapon proc conditions with your active skills so that you're timing your certain active skills appropriately with the status conditions that the target has taken.[4]Steven Sharif

Weapon progression

In-game achievable sword and polearm 3D-рендеры.[64]

Power creep is a balance issue... When it comes to gear progression specifically, the idea is to create an open market that is not heavily dependent on soulbound items; and having many item sinks and gold sinks within that economy that allows for the potential degradation and loss of assets within that closed economy; and not introduce items from the market that companies put in from a pay-to-win perspective or from a pay-to-convenience perspective that undermines the economy that players have built. That is a huge mistake that companies have made in the past and that lends to the imbalancing of what designers maybe have actually balanced well.[65]Steven Sharif

Weapons have their own progression paths.[58][66]

Ashes of Creation is all about providing many progression paths... The reason why we don't like the term endgame is because with the amount of progression that's available with the amount of diversity and player agency that impacts the world... We want the weapon system [to] add an element of that as well... You can determine special effects that proc from currently the combo system; you can determine ancillary effects that proc based on enchantment types; you can power stone weapons to add different either elemental types of damage and/or energy that play rock-paper-scissor with player defenses ... and then you can skill tree out how those effects that are granted ... you can make them better you can branch them off into a different direction.[59]Steven Sharif

Passive skills

Passive skills are used to augment weapon usage, armor usage, health regeneration, and passive stats.[68]

All these passive abilities: mana regen, attack damage, critical hit damage, health regeneration, defense mitigation, maximum health: A lot of different changes from the passive side of things and these are based on what archetype you've chosen.[69]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Act of War Art of War Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Switching forms no longer triggers cooldowns or costs Combat Momentum.[71]
Beam Amplifier Beam Amplifier IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6+ now deals 50% more damage if the previous wand combo hit was also a beam attack.[72]
Blade Twist Blade Twist IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Wound to Greatsword Combo finishers and Extended Finishers.[73]
Brutality Greater Brutality Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Weapon combo finishers and extended finishers apply 5 Wound stacks, plus an additional Wound for every 10 stacks already on the target. Each wound stack reduces target healing received by 0.5% and target damage mitigation by 0.15%, up to a maximum of 100 stacks.[74]
Burning Blade Burning Blade IconAlpha.png Greatsword Add Burning to Greatsword Combo finishers and Extended Finishers.[75]
Burning Projectiles Burning Projectiles IconAlpha.png Wand Every wand projectile and beam has a 10% chance to Burn the target.[ нужна цитата ]
Caravan Trail Speed Bonus Trail Speed Bonus.png Caravan Minor speed boost for travelling on a simple trail.[76]
Chilling Projectiles Chilling Projectiles IconAlpha.png Wand Every wand projectile and beam has a 10% chance to Chill the target.[77]
Climactic Whirlwind Climactic Whirlwind Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Perform a final swing in an area in front of you after ending Whirlwind's channel, dealing heavy damage and generating 5-10 Combat Momentum based on number of targets hit.[78]
Consuming Lethal Blow Consuming Lethal Blow Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Lethal Blow returns 50% of overkill damage dealt as health and mana.[79]
Echo Echo IconAlpha.png Wand Adds a 25% chance to gain the Echo proc upon completion of Wand Combo Finishers & Extended Finishers. This rate increases to 100% upon beam finishers. Echo - When you strike a target with direct damage, it gets struck again for magical damage.[80]
Electrifying Projectiles Electrifying Projectiles IconAlpha.png Wand Every wand projectile and beam has a 10% chance to Electrify the target.[ нужна цитата ]
Elemental Attunement I Elemental Attunement 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the trigger chance of Elemental status effect wand procs by 5%.[81]
Elemental Attunement II Elemental Attunement 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the trigger chance of Elemental status effect wand procs by 5%.[ нужна цитата ]
Elemental Attunement III Elemental Attunement 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the trigger chance of Elemental status effect wand procs by 5%.[ нужна цитата ]
Elemental Lure I Elemental Lure 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand damage is increased by 3% per application of Burning, Chilled, or Volatile on the target, up to 9%.[ нужна цитата ]
Elemental Lure II Elemental Lure 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand damage is increased by 3% per application of Burning, Chilled, or Volatile on the target, up to 9%.[ нужна цитата ]
Elemental Lure III Elemental Lure 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand damage is increased by 3% per application of Burning, Chilled, or Volatile on the target, up to 9%.[82]
Essence Harvest Essence Harvest IconAlpha.png Wand Every time you trigger a wand proc, you have a 50% chance to increase magical powerby 3% by 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.[83]
Extended Duration I Extended Duration IconAlpha.png Greatsword Extends the duration of the Second Strike and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[84]
Extended Duration I (Wand) Extended Duration 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Extends the duration of the Echo and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[ нужна цитата ]
Extended Duration II Extended Duration IconAlpha.png Greatsword Extends the duration of the Second Strike and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[85]
Extended Duration II (Wand) Extended Duration 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Extends the duration of the Echo and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[86]
Extended Duration III Extended Duration IconAlpha.png Greatsword Extends the duration of the Second Strike and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[87]
Extended Duration III (Wand) Extended Duration 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Extends the duration of the Echo and Perfect Timing proc effects by 2.5 seconds.[ нужна цитата ]
Extra Stacks I Second Strike IconAlpha.png Greatsword Second Strike and Perfect Timing now stack up to 2 times.[88]
Extra Stacks I (Wand) Extra Stacks 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Second Strike and Perfect Timing now stack up to 2 times.[ нужна цитата ]
Extra Stacks II (Wand) Extra Stacks 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Second Strike and Perfect Timing now stack up to 3 times.[89]
Extra Stacks III (Wand) Extra Stacks 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Second Strike and Perfect Timing now stack up to 4 times.[90]
Fuse Fuse IconAlpha.png Mage Your applied Burning statuses are 50% more powerful when applied to targets with Shocked.[91]
Greater Brutality Greater Brutality Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply 10 Wound stacks to enemies hit.[92]
Greatsword Hit 3+ Greatsword Hit 3+ IconAlpha.png Greatsword Weapon Combo Finisher. Greatsword Hit 3+ Unlocked. Has 25% chance to proc. Increased damage.[93]
Greatsword Hit 3+: Extra Damage I Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 3+ by 10%.[94]
Greatsword Hit 3+: Extra Damage II Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 3+ by 10%.[95]
Greatsword Hit 3+: Extra Damage III Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 3+ by 10%.[96]
Greatsword Hit 4 Greatsword Hit 4 IconAlpha.png Greatsword Weapon Combo Extended Finisher. Greatsword Hit 4 Unlocked. Increased damage.[97]
Greatsword Hit 4+ Greatsword Hit 4 IconAlpha.png Greatsword Weapon Combo Extended Finisher. Greatsword Hit 4+ Unlocked. 25% chance to proc. Increased damage.[98]
Greatsword Hit 4+: Extra Damage I Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[99]
Greatsword Hit 4+: Extra Damage II Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[100]
Greatsword Hit 4+: Extra Damage III Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[101]
Greatsword Hit 4: Extra Damage I Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[102]
Greatsword Hit 4: Extra Damage II Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[103]
Greatsword Hit 4: Extra Damage III Extra Damage IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases the damage of Greatsword Hit 4 by 10%.[104]
Guard Guard IconAlpha.png Greatsword Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Guard. Guard: Your next weapon combo finisher grants 6 seconds of temporary health equal to 1-3% of your maximum health.[105]
Hit 5+ Proc Chance I Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 5+ to 50%.[106]
Hit 5+ Proc Chance II Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 5+ to 75%.[107]
Hit 5+ Proc Chance III Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 5+ to 100%.[108]
Hit 6+ Proc Chance I Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 6+ to 50%.[109]
Hit 6+ Proc Chance II Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 6+ to 75%.[110]
Hit 6+ Proc Chance III Wand Hit 5+-6+ Proc Chance 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the base trigger chance of Hit 6+ to 100%.[111]
Keen Edge Keen Edge IconAlpha.png Greatsword Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Keen Edge. Keen Edge: Your next weapon combo finisher has +100% chance to critically hit.[112]
Meditative Form of the River Meditative Form of the River Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Form of the River increases your mana regeneration by 0.01% of your maximum mana per point of Combat Momentum you have.[113]
Overdrive Climactic Whirlwind Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter After completing the final spin, you may continue spinning at maximum speed while rapidly depleting your Momentum. Ends after Momentum is fully depleted or after stopping the channel.[114]
Perfect Timing Perfect Timing IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds the Perfect Timing proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: Perfect Timing Reduces the Cooldown of the next ability you cast by 5 seconds.[115]
Perfect Timing (Wand) Wand Perfect Timing IconAlpha.png Wand Adds a 25% chance to gain the Perfect Timing proc upon completion of Weapon Combo Finishers & Extended Finishers. This rate increases to 100% upon beam finishers. Perfect Timing - Reduces the Cooldown of the next ability you cast by 5 seconds.[116]
Potency I Potency IconAlpha.png Greatsword Second Strike - Increases the damage of the Second Strike Proc by 25%. Perfect Timing - Increases the cooldown reset by 1 second.[117]
Potency III Potency IconAlpha.png Greatsword Second Strike - Increases the damage of the Second Strike Proc by 25%. Perfect Timing - Increases the cooldown reset by 1 second.[118]
Pyromania Pyromania IconAlpha.png Mage Upon cast completion, an additional Magma Field spawns under your character. But you also become afflicted by Burning at (500%🢆) fire damage power.[119]
Raging Blitz Raging Blitz Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Blitz generates 20 Combat Momentum.[120]
Recharging Lunging Assault Recharging Lunging Assault Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Lunging Assault gains an additional charge and generates 5 additional Combat Momentum when dealing damage to one or more enemies.[121]
Refreshing Followthrough Refreshing Followthrough IconAlpha.png Greatsword Your abilities have a 30% chance to proc Refreshing Followthrough. Refreshing Followthrough: Your next weapon combo finisher restores 3-5% of your maximum mana.[122]
Reinvigorating Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Exert additionally refreshes all ability cooldowns by 1% per point of Combat Momentum the caster has upon activation.[123]
Reinvigorating Lethal Blow Raging Blitz Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Killing an enemy with Lethal Blow resets the cooldown of Blitz.[124]
Relentless Form of the Avalanche Relentless Form of the Avalanche Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Form of the Avalanche causes your weapon combo attacks to apply 3 stacks of Staggered to enemies hit, plus 1 additional stack per 30 Combat Momentum you have. Staggered reduces physical accuracy by 0.1% per stack and physical disable reduction by 1% per stack.[125]
Second Strike Second Strike IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Second Strike proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: Second Strike When you strike a target for physical damage with an ability, it gets struck again.[126]
Second Strike (Wand) Second Strike IconAlpha.png Wand Adds Second Strike proc to Wand Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: Second Strike When you strike a target for physical damage with an ability, it gets struck again.[ нужна цитата ]
Slicing Maim Slicing Maim Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Maim launches a piercing projectile that deals damage to enemies in its path.[127]
Swordmaster: Consistent I Extended Duration IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Swordmaster: Swiftness - Increases effect duration by 0.5s. Swordmaster: Endurance - Increases minimum possible health restored by 0.5% Max HP.[128]
Swordmaster: Consistent II Extended Duration IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Swordmaster: Swiftness - Increases effect duration by 0.5s. Swordmaster: Endurance - Increases minimum health restored by 0.5% Max HP.[129]
Swordmaster: Endurance Swordmaster Endurance IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Swordmaster: Endurance proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: 25% chance to recover 2-4% of your maximum health.[130]
Swordmaster: Potential I Swordmaster Potential IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Swordmaster: Swiftness - +5% Attack speed from effect. Swordmaster: Endurance - Increases maximum possible health restored by 1% Max HP.[131]
Swordmaster: Proc Rate I Swordmaster Proc Rate IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases all Swordmaster effect proc rates by 25%.[132]
Swordmaster: Proc Rate II Swordmaster Proc Rate IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases all Swordmaster effect proc rates by 25%.[133]
Swordmaster: Proc Rate III Swordmaster Proc Rate IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases all Swordmaster effect proc rates by 25%.[134]
Swordmaster: Swiftness Swordmaster Swiftness IconAlpha.png Greatsword Adds Swordmaster: Swiftness proc to Greatsword Combo Finisher Procs & Extended Finisher Procs: 25% chance to gain 25% attack speed for 1.5 seconds. Stack up to 2 times.[135]
Unstoppable Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Fighter Exert additionally breaks all hard control effects on the caster, and may be used any time while under a hard controlling effect.[136]
Wand Damage Focus I Wand Damage Focus 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles and beams by 5%.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Damage Focus II Wand Damage Focus 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles and beams by 5%.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Damage Focus III Wand Damage Focus 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles and beams by 5%.[137]
Wand Hit 5 Extra Damage I Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5 deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 5 Extra Damage II Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5 deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 5 Extra Damage III Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5 deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 5+ Wand Hit IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5+ Unlocked. You have a 25% chance on the 5th hit to instead fire a beam at the target that triggers proc efffects. Triggers Weapon Finisher Effects.[138]
Wand Hit 5+ Extra Damage I Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5+ deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 5+ Extra Damage II Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5+ deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 5+ Extra Damage III Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 5+ deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 6 Wand Hit 6 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6 Unlocked. Triggers Weapon Finisher Effects.[139]
Wand Hit 6 Extra Damage I Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6 deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Hit 6 Extra Damage II Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6 deals 15% more base damage.[140]
Wand Hit 6 Extra Damage III Wand Hit 5-6 Extra Damage 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6 deals 15% more base damage.[141]
Wand Hit 6+ Wand Hit IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6+ Unlocked. Wand Hit 6+ Unlocked. You have a 25% chance on the 6th hit to instead fire a beam at the target that triggers proc effects. Deals 50% more damage if the previous wand combo hit was also a beam attack. Triggers Weapon Finisher Effects.[142]
Wand Hit 6+ Extra Damage I Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6+ deals 15% more base damage.[143]
Wand Hit 6+ Extra Damage II Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6+ deals 15% more base damage.[144]
Wand Hit 6+ Extra Damage III Wand Hit 5+-6+ Extra Damage 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Wand Hit 6+ deals 15% more base damage.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Projectile Damage I Wand Projectile Damage 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles by 8%.[145]
Wand Projectile Damage II Wand Projectile Damage 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles by 8%.[ нужна цитата ]
Wand Projectile Damage III Wand Projectile Damage 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increases the damage of all wand projectiles by 8%.[ нужна цитата ]
Weapon Mastery: Bows Weapon Mastery Bows Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Bow Lowers the Cooldown of Barrage and Scatter Shot by 3s upon: Completion of a bow weapon combo; Firing a fully charged Longbow.[146]
Weapon Proficiency I (Wand) Weapon Proficiency 1 IconAlpha.png Wand Increased Accuracy by 0.5%.[147]
Weapon Proficiency II (Wand) Weapon Proficiency 2 IconAlpha.png Wand Increased Accuracy by 0.5%.[148]
Weapon Proficiency III (Wand) Weapon Proficiency 3 IconAlpha.png Wand Increased Accuracy by 0.5%.[149]
Weapon Proficiency IV (Wand) Weapon Proficiency 4 IconAlpha.png Wand Increased Accuracy by 0.5%.[150]
Weapon Proficiency IX Swordmaster Potential IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increased Attack Speed by 1%.[151]
Weapon Proficiency V (Wand) Weapon Proficiency 5 IconAlpha.png Wand Increased Accuracy by 0.5%.[152]
Weapon Training: Deflection Weapon Training Deflection IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases your Evasion by 0.5%.[153]
Weapon Training: Followthrough Weapon Training Followthrough IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases your Mitigation Penetration by 0.5%.[154]
Weapon Training: Power Weapon Training Power IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases your Critical Damage by 0.5%.[155]
Weapon Training: Power (Wand) Wand Weapon Training Power IconAlpha.png Wand Increases your Critical Damage by 2%.[156]
Weapon Training: Precision Weapon Training Precision IconAlpha.png Greatsword Increases your Accuracy by 0.5%.[157]

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  71. Art of War Skill Tree Description.png
  72. Beam Amplifier Description.png
  73. Blade Twist Weapon Tree Description.png
  74. Brutality Description.png
  75. Burning Blade Weapon Tree Description.png
  76. Trail Speed Bonus Description.png
  77. Chilling Projectiles Description.png
  78. Climactic Whirlwind Skill Tree Description.png
  79. Consuming Lethal Blow Description.png
  80. Echo Description.png
  81. Elemental Attunement 1 Description.png
  82. Elemental Lure 3 Description.png
  83. Essence Harvest Description.png
  84. Extended Duration 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  85. Extended Duration 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  86. Extended Duration 2 Description.png
  87. Extended Duration 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  88. Extra Stacks 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  89. Extra Stacks 2 Description.png
  90. Extra Stacks 3 Description.png
  91. Fuse Skill Tree Description.png
  92. Greater Brutality Description.png
  93. Greatsword Hit 3+ Weapon Tree Description.png
  94. Greatsword Hit 3+ Extra Damage 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  95. Greatsword Hit 3 Extra Damage 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  96. Greatsword Hit 3 Extra Damage 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  97. Greatsword Hit 4 Weapon Tree Description.png
  98. Greatsword Hit 4+ Weapon Tree Description.png
  99. Greatsword Hit 4+ Extra Damage 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  100. Greatsword Hit 4+ Extra Damage 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  101. Greatsword Hit 4+ Extra Damage 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  102. Greatsword Hit 4 Extra Damage 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  103. Greatsword Hit 4 Extra Damage 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  104. Greatsword Hit 4 Extra Damage 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  105. Guard Weapon Tree Description.png
  106. Hit 5+ Proc Chance 1 Description.png
  107. Hit 5+ Proc Chance 2 Description.png
  108. Hit 5+ Proc Chance 3 Description.png
  109. Hit 6+ Proc Chance 1 Description.png
  110. Hit 6+ Proc Chance 2 Description.png
  111. Hit 6+ Proce Chance 3 Description.png
  112. Keen Edge Weapon Tree Description.png
  113. Meditative Form of the River Skill Tree Description.png
  114. Whirlwind Overdrive Skill Tree Description.png
  115. Perfect Timing Weapon Tree Description.png
  116. Perfect Timing Description.png
  117. Potency 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  118. Potency 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  119. Pyromania Skill Tree Description.png
  120. Raging Blitz Skill Tree Description.png
  121. Recharging Lunging Assault Description.png
  122. Refreshing Followthrough Weapon Tree Description.png
  123. Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree Description.png
  124. Reinvigorating Lethal Blow Skill Tree Description.png
  125. Relentless Form of the Avalanche Skill Tree Description.png
  126. Second Strike Weapon Tree Description.png
  127. Slicing Maim Skill Tree Description.png
  128. Swordmaster Consistent 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  129. Swordmaster Consistent 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  130. Swordmaster Endurance Weapon Tree Descriptions.png
  131. Swordmaster Potential 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  132. Swordmaster Proc Rate 1 Weapon Tree Description.png
  133. Swordmaster Proc Rate 2 Weapon Tree Description.png
  134. Swordmaster Proc Rate 3 Weapon Tree Description.png
  135. Swordmaster Swiftness Weapon Tree Description.png
  136. Unstoppable Exert Skill Tree Description.png
  137. Wand Damage Focus 3 Description.png
  138. Wand Hit 5+ Description.png
  139. Wand Hit 6 Description.png
  140. Wand Hit 6 Extra Damage 2 Description.png
  141. Wand Hit 6 Extra Damage 3 Description.png
  142. Wand Hit 6+ Description.png
  143. Wand Hit 6+ Extra Damage 1 Description.png
  144. Wand Hit 6+ Extra Damage 2.png
  145. Wand Projectile Damage 1 Description.png
  146. Weapon Mastery Bows Skill Tree Description.png
  147. Weapon Proficiency 1 Description.png
  148. Weapon Proficiency 2 Description.png
  149. Weapon Proficiency 3 Description.png
  150. Weapon Proficiency 4 Description.png
  151. Weapon Proficiency 9 Weapon Tree Description.png
  152. Weapon Proficiency 5 Description.png
  153. Weapon Training Deflection Weapon Tree Description.png
  154. Weapon Training Followthrough Weapon Tree Description.png
  155. Weapon Training Power Weapon Tree Description.png
  156. Weapon Training Power Description.png
  157. Weapon Training Precision Weapon Tree Description.png