Talk:2019-09-27 Livestream

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[Music] hello for his ashes community how are you all doing today hopefully you're doing wonderful we are having our development update live stream every month we do this so if you're new to the channel that's what we do on this channel I'm Margaret Crone the community and marketing lead I am Steven Shree the creative director and I am Jeff rebar lead game designer yeah we have a few other people who will be joining us throughout the live stream as well if you're new you might not know that basically have updates from all of our teams and we probably try to like bring in new people every week if we can to kind of represent all of our teams and kind of chat with us and talk about what they've been working on for the month and some of them show off some cool videos assets and things of that sort so you can see kind of always been working on but of course today first we're gonna have Steven talk a little bit about the studio and then we'll go into having our engineering team talk our design team chat with us a little bit and our character art team as well and just for the quick updates to get them out of the way apocalypse we now have Ashes of Creation apocalypse available 24/7 for you to play so hopefully you're hopping in and having a good time I know we've been watching a lot of Street and YouTube videos on just having a really good time ourselves playing and checking it out so you guys are having fun and for us this is allowing us to do a lot of testing on a lot of data and I know this is what big smile design team has been waiting for for a really long time and I know Terrance will be joining us later and he'll be talking a little bit about that because he's kind of the data junkie on your team right and then of course for that we also opened up some new channels so we know that some people you know maybe didn't want to hear about apocalypse and you just care about the MMO we still got you you can still touch all of the MMO action Ashes of Creation but we also made a channel that it's a OC apocalypse you can follow all of that over there just didn't helping us test and you know create the content that's gonna go mom what's funny to me is that when we shared that video the MMO whoever like this looks like Pablos is like yeah because everything that we're doing in apocalypse also in the and of course we also put out any lore and creation video of the tiebreaker which is it's so cute so cute and I know that you know our team has been working on a lot of other cool creatures so we have some more videos coming down the line as well next funny funny story about that tiebreak hilarious right but you know when it was originally modeled it was the size of like a shoe okay so it was it was very small the person was straddling it and you could like you know like you could put your feet down for your dragon tiny so actually I had the suggestion that perhaps we should actually keep it that size and instead give like hundreds of them as like a dog sled type of thing where you're not gonna dog sled but now we scaled it I was I was like looking at it when I got the first screenshot I was like does that seem really small interesting it's like I don't know that's what they gave me and I was like what's this approved he's like that's it got to me I thought it I was like okay maybe they're just trying to be funny I don't know I don't make these decisions I just make videos and that's funny very funny we have coming up as our creative directors letter we have that coming up soon as well I know that we're gonna try to get that out by the end of the month but I know a Steven will probably be the first week of next yeah typically I would say like even though they're you know the creative director creative directors letters intended to be a quarter review so they usually come within one week of the quarter of finishing oh yeah I would say next and then we also have new cosmetics that will be swapping over as an update when those are things are happening as well and we have something really fun that I know sarah has been waiting to do we are gonna be having a over contest so you'll be able to win some cool rewards we are partnering up with another a company who makes peripherals and so will be having some cool rewards that you can win as well as you know doing like a fun contest that's kind of my teaser for that I know it's a little bit of announcement of an announcement but it'll be coming soon so I think that's kind of it for the intro part why have to say goodbye yet I haven't even gotten into the studio we can do this let's do it hey we can do it together so things have been going great here they've been that's right one of the one of the cool things about you know anytime you're shipping something whether it be you know a test or Apocalypse or you know the MMORPG it's a really cool thing to see things come together in a very short amount of time so you know as as development carries on you know things are kind of split open they're very you know kind of I mean it's kind of everywhere everywhere you're seeing a final product it's gonna be like exactly but as you're approaching a date and whether that date like I said be a test date or an actual ship date for something everything finds its way to come together now obviously there's still bugs and things that we you know have to address when when something goes live but but having the ability for the studio to kind of experience that as a whole and get these things down now ensures that in the future you know it'll be that much more smooth when we actually move into our alpha Zubaydah's yeah yeah now it's really cool to see kind of everything function and work and do what we expect and kind of see it all together and see people playing it see people enjoying it I mean it's been a really great experience for the whole studio I'm testing our live ops I think that's one of the things that you know is kind of always scary whenever you are watching a game everything's I don't know I think that's been testing the true mettle of how much sleep trauma fire like yes that's the same every time two hours of sleep right we do have like kind of like a pager duty thing where basically high priority people who would like need to be involved in communication and processes are on that the great thing is is like you know here on the team we have a lot of veteran developers who've been through process of shipping many games in the past but it's one thing to have that experience in your history it's another thing to have it with a team in a team with people you know you had this not necessarily like worked with in this manner before right now we're a new studio and we're kind of building these things as we go and so you know establishing sort of routines and processes and all those things are you know helping us grow processes way look at me Margaret's mad because I sent a notification 30 minutes something else she's mad oh here we go no but yeah so it's it's really actually very good for us to to be able to go through this process together yeah that's been I think everyone's working really hard and I think I know we're all really excited to move to the news so that we have coming up in November and oh three retiring people you need more people on your team it's oh that's a sticky update thanks for letting me participate we're going to swap in Alex who's gonna be joining us if you've watched some of our previous streams you may have seen him on one of them but if you haven't hi oh yeah my name is Alex I'm a programmer interpreter Brad know it says Jeffrey stone okay name is Jeffrey for you guys back back home we can see like with the next scene that's coming up and that's why yeah I've been working here for two years and implementing a lot of things it's a lot of fun I think it's my first lunch prior to this I was a software developer so lunch software yeah I haven't launched the game game launch to where first game launch buddy how has this been for like obviously you've developed upper before and had like those products what's been the major big difference I guess this was not on the schedule for chatting about but I'm just curious I mean it's definitely this lunch was a little bit more smoother than I have experienced before like software there's a lot of bugs on a day off sometimes we have to bring down the service completely and then you know fix a lot of bugs this one was pretty smooth hadn't made many major issues we had a few life updates patches which we implement really quick like yeah very very very smooth yeah and you know knock on wood we haven't had to bring down the server's yet for any type of updates we've been able to update live and a lot of players kind of log out there will be having updates that will be coming up because we'll have new compendiums that will come out will have a new content items that will go in the marketplace so we will have the normal cadence for that I just mean on a hot click standpoint right we had to bring down due to emergencies but yeah you know what the cool thing about this you know even from an engineering perspective is you know not just so much the data that that the designers receive on you know game balance performance all kind stuff but engineers get to look in real time you know how are our servers we - you know all the stuff that we've coded how is how is our code standing up to players actually hitting it and that's cool to kind of see an iterate right so talk a little bit about what your team has been up to I know you have quite a few topics online oh yeah we've been very busy past month since our last update we worked a lot of on revamping our combat system specifically our melee system there was a lot of work went into adjusting and implementing new features like allowing you to multi hit pursuing allowing you to do a 360-degree hit allowing you to basically have variable damages per each each combo variable stamina also variable structure damage so that was fun implementing I was pretty much tasked with that there's other things so that we also got to do while we other people working is that we got bot setup so now we can stress test our servers and see if we're having any network issues if they're yes is going down helps our QA team a lot because before we push to live we need to be able to get bodies in there being able to that's gonna be a coming once we have most servers running to figure your home far can we push our structure all of these procedures are you next time you guys should show a video of all the bugs they look so funny ready all of these procedures all of this this testing you know the process basically that we follow now in order to push live updates and having a live player population with with apocalypse goes to serve a purpose when we get to our alphas and betas so you know as as we want and you guys want to know to play the MMORPG everything with apocalypse is intended to prepare us prepare all of this infrastructure all of the the testing of code the design elements everything goes to preparing for those alpha and beta stages so that they are smooth and they reflects the quality of game that we want to provide all of us players so you know when the comments at point of that it allows you guys to create like you add the designers do absolutely I mean if you see if you if you participate it so here's one of the great things right even though you know we understand this that a br is not what an MMORPG is it's not reflective of that in any way shape or form from a gameplay standpoint however from a a building standpoint on the on the backend of things a lot a lot of what's being done almost all of it goes forward to the MMORPG in that regard so you know you'll see if you participated in the August 20th test to the launch of early access just from the combat perspective how things changed so rapidly and you know major kudos to Alex in particular because on the engineering team you know he was the primary coder for many of those combat changes allowing design to incorporate you know variables that were previously not capable of being different between different attack steps accommodating the new speeds for animation the the variable arcs and and multi hit checkpoints that are now present in the combat system which will be used to iterate and create the hybrid combat system that's intended for the MMORPG Alex was instrumental in encoding a lot of that stuff that the design team would Jeff and Terrance and akhil and Brian were capable then on implementing so just between the August 20th test and one of the great reasons of why it's important for all of you in the community to participate in the test even if B R is not necessarily a game mode that you enjoy it lets you see the progress and the changes that will occur as we move forward in development that's something that's that's very important because as you experience those changes you can now go on discord in the forums and participate in our streams and you can comment on what you like or dislike or think will do well you know in the RPG so all of those things you know move forward to to allow us to iterate in a way that's going to be reflective of equality we want you to experience exactly and I think you were kind of talking already about you know the bots on how that's something with testing but you also have been doing a lot of things for scalability as well correct yes we were we were working basic by Marc architect who's working very basically scaling horizontally maybe making sure that when we stood up more servers they able to handle more large population that as we grow we need to make sure like you know nothing crashing nothing logging every service stands up so for example if we have some issues like during the test and guess what the result that's quickly I don't know we could talk a little bit about that uh yeah I mean we we solved a few issues where we had some rubber bending we still working on it but I think we've got most of it done it's just very small percentage of matches happening potentially might even need to contacting me else to figure out if his boxer side or not especially the backend it's very important for MMO to have balance or a solid backhand because it's gonna be a lot of players is giving a lot of regions they can be stitched together people can be crossing over you want to make sure that people that are coming through and it's like being able to handle that amount of people and it doesn't bring down the node and what happens if for example no does go down do we have a redundancy for him for example yeah like for example let's say one store goes down it'll kick everyone but we need to make sure that everyone merges into the same zone just with a different server so that the way it's a smoother experience for players absolutely I think than other things we did also we have data dot block mechanic yes notice but now blocks is a little bit different it consumes tannin like before but if you reach zero stamina why are you getting head or while you're just holding it you have this a small stumble that will route you in life for like a second allowing your enemies to take in the / tuning an attack a little stagger yeah yeah additionally we improved our gap closing which pretty much as you probably seen if you have no enemies in front of you we have these consecutive leaps that allow you to basically go over the terrain much quicker much faster it introduces a new limit - right and this is something you know and when we look forward towards the MMORPG basically allowing for and this is part of what Alexa coded was allowing for you know you to detect whether or not there's an enemy in your forward arc right to a certain distance and if not you know you follow a different path in the animation blueprint so you know you don't call the swinging with your weapon attack instead you play a more acrobatic leap that lets you go and move through the air you know these types of things we're going to utilize with certain types of classes potentially in the MMORPG we're going to play with these things to see how they feel and look in the MMO there won't be a one-to-one ratio there it's not gonna be exactly the same that you see in Apocalypse right now but you know the baseline a foundation for that type of code is something that moves forward into the MMORPG with certain skills and other big things that we worked on for past month we are working on our H LEDs which is basically so H LEDs so let's say like you are coming down yeah let's say now and you're coming down with what you technically see in your view is the whole map with all the structures but they are H LEDs that are low poly objects that generate for you that from far look pretty good but if you come up too close it looks like play the basic in Lego you should never been you never see those up close because as your distance to the object begins to close we swap out that HL OD for a different mesh that has higher texture detail and quality right so I mean the reason why and a lot of I mean all games really use this but but we get to refine that process with our environments to really limit the amount of stress that we're putting on your GPU to render out that level so you get a better a better kind of experience especially when you have a lot of players that are going to be in certain areas like in the MMORPG so we get you know apocalypse allows us to kind of play with those values to refine that process code gets to kind of touch that as well to see you know what what what distances we're calling those things whether or not they're static a part of the persistent level or if they're part of sub levels that only get called if you're within range to actually render you know those particular utilities all of that stuff gets refined in what a pot provides assistant to do and then I mean the biggest reason why we actually have to modify what we currently have is because of a distractible environment that we have yes so for example the walls the buildings we need to make sure that when you destroy building and you go worry far away when you look back at it you don't see it because they're playing a little channel I deal with show you hey the house still there right but in reality you destroyed it so we need to have a custom solution to be able to say hey this is no longer part of my Chile anymore so don't show it to have anyone and yeah and then reflect everything else write it and it's the same thing with before castle sieges destructible walls we need to make sure that those are assessed properly on all the distances right and you can see some of the destruction already in the battle royale core as well yeah but obviously castle siege is gonna be on a whole nother level I know that we've been testing a lot of that and we have some videos I mean as we get closer to things you guys are gonna see some pretty cool stuff yep yeah and then basically obviously since we just launched we also been fixing our yeah early access we've been fixing a lot of bugs of performance issues a lot of just tiny things like engine level and you guys edit the waypoint system correct yeah yeah correct yeah hopefully that's helping people like yeah I think it'll be more helpful whatever we're doing like squats duo's and squats yes but I thing is a solo player right now you able to deploy our Waypoint on the map or you can basically click the middle mouse button and deploy it and see it from afar and it should reflect it on the map so that new system was implemented let's see we are working on leaderboards oh yeah leaderboards is still in progress too we are looking at our picture again make sure it's a little bit more stable because I know some we've been experienced some small issues what yeah and the patcher stuff we're working on so definitely you know download through Steam that makes it easy enough so that you can you don't do with the Patrick process right the Patra Patra is being torn apart and rebuilt yeah and it's important for us to have a good catcher especially when it comes to MMO is that you guys don't experience that well actually launching right well thank you so much for coming as our engineering team has been kicking a lot of fun I think they're probably the ones that stay late the most to make sure that they hit their milestones and their goals and we're actually bringing on Terence a long trip actually I rarely see Terrance because his head is always stuck in all the numbers I got a big monitor lots of room for Excel and before I know Terrance does have a video like we're gonna be playing in the background whilst we chat but uh first let's kind of chat with you about like uh who you are what you've been doing what projects you Berta oh yeah sure sure sure self to our community and what you do on our team yeah sure so you know I'm a senior designer on the team I've been at the studio for you know oh gosh yeah we go way back to Sony uh 13 years yeah something like right yeah exactly I mean we work together on free rooms right so you know I've got a background in mmo's a lot of them more on the action side so like planetside 1 and defiance even and then I have experience in the traditional MMO such as EverQuest and you know a little bit of EverQuest next as well and but recently I also have experience in you know BR genre so you know I think I'm pretty suited toward all the things that my mentor when I was becoming a designer oh you were an amazing apprentice you really worked your head have you had a passion for design and the world yeah you really brought it to life so that was great yeah yeah so let's let's show we're gonna show a little video but um at the same time you want to talk about it as well oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so you know like Stephen and Alex are talking about there isn't a lot of pretty massive changes to combat very recently and a lot of this was driven from I think our August 20th play test where we got feedback from our you know our community community members and so some of the biggest changes that we have were just to the animation and combat system again where we have these multi hit attacks that can go off in addition to kind of those I don't call them let's say parkour jumps but those those jumps here we have Brian oh yeah yeah Brian Ferguson I've been working with him on some of the ballets and what the routes just character everyone knows who he is now yeah and Brian's one of the better players for sure he's really able to show off what the new kind of lunges allow you to do right it's a whole new sense of freedom a way to explore and move through the world that we really didn't have previously you can see him kind of seamlessly go through windows and attack an enemy there right and I'm sure people are like is that me they're trying to copy look like they made on screen yeah and this this sort of freedom is just so fun I mean it just it just really makes you feel alive I think it looks really good too oh yeah compared to like what we were doing before which was like it looks like you're just hitting the air oh right right right yeah yeah yeah exactly and so it adds a new sense of freedom and you may see people do things where they swap in and out of like melee range and then they pop quickly out and go into a range combat so there you go see as Brian was his expert shooting yeah yeah just like yes flawlessly look doesn't even look yeah exactly and you know some other things that we've changed recently based on again the feedback from August is that we try to make blocking much more important and matter in actual combat you know we're we're still looking at the numbers and tuning that and we will be doing that through our time but blocking shouldn't matter actually much more than it did previously see what else have we done of course recently you know we're just getting ready for launch which was just early access y'all ready access I'm sorry every access and you know so a lot of us are working on getting the compendium you know up and running and of course getting all the animation there's a lot of animation I went into the new combat system and of course a lot of balance changes based on the August 20th play test oh yeah absolutely I know you guys are working on some future stuff I know you can't talk about it in super details but I know you've been working out some caps of stuff oh yeah yeah exactly yeah we're getting all the you know prototype abilities are set up and gonna be start testing those soon you know it's a different game it needs different abilities to play out and we'll see what we can learn from those that makes sense in apopka from from the castle siege into the MMO right I mean all of this is you know especially these animation changes and commenting desisting and apocalypse you know we here is to see what makes sense in the MMO what can we take right and that's so much of you know really what you know design is all about during apocalypses game modes is is identifying which features are going to be making sense in a hybrid combat system where you have to account for you know tab targetable skills and players in those different tempos you know this is I mean many of you who are watching the stream and who are gonna see it on YouTube efforts you've participated probably in a wide array you know of MMORPGs I've rarely ever find MMORPG players that have only ever stuck to one and the more PD their entire career I kind of go around feel different blogs and you've seen that that there's a lot of systems out there that that try to say maybe that they're a hybrid system but in reality they're they're really one or the other and and really the you know when we sat down originally you know a couple years ago or three years ago now almost oh my god it's been a while but when you when you when we sat down together and we said hey we really want to actually make a next-generation hybrid system we had some doubts whether or not it would be possible and you know one of the the components of apocalypse in the origin of its creation was really to determine you know how action combat can exist true action combat can exist in a tab targeting system a complementary to it and a lot of what we're doing here you know allows for us to collect that data and to not just data but actually to experience it firsthand at a live production setting yes well that's been a lot of work you know it's interesting work if you're a data junkie or a numbers nerd kind of thing a lot of it was working with our programmers to actually give us the right events that we want to track you know so that we can get an eye or handle on how our weapons are performing or what items are players picking up or dropping or actually carrying throughout the match of how fast people are dying right all of these are really important for us to understand what's going on in the game oh yeah like you know younger people where people are exactly and where items are spawning or not spawning enough right yeah how people are moving throughout a match yeah although those are really important things to know and learn and so that's that's one part of the equation when it comes to balancing of game or you know supporting it through life the other thing that's also really important is really the community right we need that feedback to let us know if there's something that we're missing that the data is not showing us yeah and toast is amazing oh yes absolutely their reports and for our for us now that we have something more persistent available she'll be doing those weekly sending those over to the design team wall to our entire team but a lot of that stuff is gonna be heavy on design huge making those decisions and getting the other teams to make the changes that they need when I think of the the more important design decisions that we came to from xx and before that have surfaced in our early access launch was the time to kill has increased no yes that's true significantly so much so that you know now at least in the battle royale mode right you're seeing where players at the final stages of the circle are much more numerous you know you're getting down to like 10 15 players and that's that's with our limited match sizes right now by the way match sizes are being you know varied currently because we're doing some testing on the servers but when we get up to you know the hundred player test I'm really interested to see as a matter of fact what I was in a match not really had the opportunity to play very much but I was in a match yesterday and there were like 15 players in one of the final circle state and I really wasn't even fighting I was just jumping it was it was a really fun experience but I think I think you know the most important aspect with that time to kill was really allowing for a time that strategy becomes more important right absolutely tactics become more relevant when there is a a greater time of variables to exist within that period so when you can when you can have time to assess a threat you don't figure out how you want to deal with it right that's one of the interesting things about I know personally I really find about apocalypse is that you can have these kits and make these really interesting loadout so people have different like some people like I really like this weapon and I like this ability and like so you know like the combinations going yeah they like right but I mean the other thing the other you know one of the other driving reasons I think in my mind I'm coming to that decision to increase that ttk with some of the changes that design has made was because it allows us to collect more combat data in individual fights as well if it fights end in three seconds yeah you know it's kind of discipline or to you exactly to determine you know where things went there with that longer ttk you actually have an opportunity for us to derive data that we then move towards you know the MMORPGs hybrid combat system yeah it is data is really important but again you know it's only one half of the equation exactly you know so again if there are things that you feel please let us know yeah have a bug form and we have feedback form so please go over there toss them over to us we definitely have been reading everything we're compiling all of that we're sending it over to our team so they can review things and make changes and obviously we've made changes there were people who didn't want to see the time to go increased sure so things like that we've made a lot of combat changes because people you know had mentioned they didn't like the way this looked or felt and I got we've made drastic changes on animation yeah I know comment itself history thank you total totally changes was yeah exactly but yeah yeah it's always interesting to see you know how you theorycraft something out and then when you throw it out in the wild what actually happens so funny story actually immediately after the August 20th test I pulled in the design and the animation team into the conference room and I said I think we should make these changes and they probably and they said okay sure how much time we have two weeks all right let's do it let's go for it and you know amazingly enough the design team Jeff Terrance Akhil Bryan the animators Meyers Konstantin rojak and mcpeet you know mini mcpeet as we call him they did an outstanding job in kind of coming to the call in making a very wide change to combat to our action combat systems that are in Apocalypse and I think they did a great job of doing that so kudos to the tiny alien invader as well it was definite effort and it's also like the the reward of seeing people play it I think that's something is like when you create something and then you watch I totally agree you have that early launch face is just amazing VP so I can't wait for the MMO when he we have this giant percent I think I think one of the one of the great things about apocalypse is it allows players to kind of see the quality of the world we intend to make right you know what they're going to see in the office and the beta's they get a small taste of it now and it really is a small taste because and the environment team our artists are just so talented and they really make something that's immersive for four players to experience so if anything you know if you're not participating necessarily in apocalypse as testing for the combat just participating to see you know what that immersive nature of the MMORPG is going to be like is something that's pretty fun to see yeah and you're gonna get to see some more environment stuff that they've been working on soon you're actually next oh thank you so much Terrence before ending us we hope they will see you guys come on over here Brad the be read he's brought his wielding weapons because he goes Maggie I'm kidding yes can I see the sword we've been using that too we went over to the mall and people around let's do a Friday hootie-hoo get your who's ready H double already who and I say Friday Newsday so that's an introduction do we work tomorrow how are you we are excited and and we're exhausted at the same time is there a is there a word exhausted it's a mixture of excited and exhausted let me do a quick shout out to the character team I wanna I want to make sure everyone's included we've got Keith we've got Chris we've Carson and Jen si Jin see and we Jessica and me and miners and we have a brand new animator day vocalist who were really excited to have him on board he comes by way of Amazon and try on and he has 20 years of animation experience yes he did a little work on some of this two-handed axe polish and yeah really good but yeah we are beat man we've been doing combat craziness there about a month and and now we're back to full-on MMO craziness we got to meet Maggie can I bring my sunglasses and a sword I'm like oh we request but sure and then a bunch of my way Jeff's body said there can be no real one that's like why would you not let him wear a sweater and I was like no he asked if you could bring a sword and yeah oh and the sunglasses have to actually keep my eyeballs from falling out from doing all this fantastic work yeah you know my mom when I was a kid she said don't stare at the TV don't sit so close your eyes will fall out we decided to one on 30 years and the staring at the TV every day and she was right so let's talk a little bit about the work that y'all have been working on so first show off we're gonna go this along there's a long list of assets so first we're gonna show off some of the whirling that you all have been using has been kicking butt so now these are actual models these are modeled and ready for implementation into the MMORPG so we you know populating the world and creating questions and all the goodies fantastic look at that now these are um so these are also concept 'add by Ryan Richman who by the way is an amazing concept artist he kind of he went through basically what one of our you know dragon models were and he kind of very nted them out into all of these different very vibrant examples different changes of wurmlinger or dragons that you see here and then jin see who created the base dragon model went through and began actually implementing the concepts into these what you see now modeled dragons and you're gonna be able to ride these right absolutely so some of them you can ride and some of them might you might see as NPCs and or bosses or you know dragons monsters that you could fight you know there's a lot there's a wide array of capabilities for these different creatures yeah so let's talk a little bit about the the new combat animation Steve mentioned it earlier he came to us after the August 20 test and said you know I was gonna take a deep breath how can we make this more fun how can we make this better yeah and we put all of our heads together and we came up with a plan and I think the the results are fantastic absolutely one of one of the great processes that you know Brad and the animation team have is you know they could they can do anything under the Sun they're such experienced animators that really all they need to be given is direction and then boom they pop it out and it looks great so you know originally what we had with some of the combat in Apocalypse was a little bit slower was a little bit more methodical but I had a high damage output so that's why the time to kill was much shorter and then it was a little bit what felt like players saying it was kind of floaty and it wasn't represented necessarily of MMORPG kind of action combat that they would come to expect so you know when I kind of give direction I give them direction based on references based on you know scenes that I can gather when I say you know we want to aim for this and we want a point you know this give me kind of examples of what you can do in this direction and that's when Brad and Chris and the other animators kind of come together and they're like all right how are we going to do this right and you guys did a stellar job that's right and you guys gotta understand too it's all sort of driven by design as well you'll find that if you play apocalypse if you haven't played it yet right out of the box it's a it's a very balanced game experience we need a swift switch from weapon to weapon type and all of that kind of stuff you find that it's very satisfying the balance just right away and so we strive to do that also with the animation make sure that the the visual representation of what you're getting in the game is up to the task so when we get a list of animations to do a lot of the tons are already figured out for us so it's just a matter of us to make it look cool yeah so and the next thing that we have going up talking about animation works you're going to show a little bit of the animation of I think this is the scale runner do we have so this is this is the scale runner that you you guys may remember I think it was almost a year ago right or was it like six nine months ago I don't know yeah it was a good it was a few months ago that the scale runner was released as one of the monthly cosmetic packages and you can see here now it is modeled and ready for implementation into the MMORPG and this is Carson Carson's work I wasn't be killing it he's been killing it he's a he he originally you know you did a lot of work on on props and weapons and he's moved into some creature modeling and boy has he been doing a great job on the creature front there's nothing these guys can't do absolutely seriously yeah I love sure I'm gonna have many variants of this guy in the game so you can be an NPC as well oh yeah so that's one of the challenges for says that when we populate a world with these characters we're breaking them down into individual sort of skeleton types so you can imagine in in any world situation you would have an elephant-sized creature some deer sized creatures small mammal type creatures breaking all of those down into their basic skeleton types and then we can do variants on on each of those so this would fall into the giant writeable lizard skeleton type I mean so you so just so you guys are where there's there's a wide range of what animation can encompass not just necessarily anyone in the games industry but also you know from a CGI standpoint and filmmaking all that kind of stuff when we're talking about an MMORPG though we're talking about a whole host of creatures that have to get made and we want to make sure that the process the pipeline that allows for those creatures to come out in a timely manner and include kind of typing like brad was talking about putting these guys into groups that can share the same skeleton or you know some complexity of that skeleton up and down and are we showing this one now - no no okay so we're sorry right there but that's gonna make for a more alive world we obviously lots and lots of creatures if you can see we've already done some of the some of the work towards that for the MMORPG when you see the little what do they call the little happen around in an apocalypse there or whatever stuff or know that those quarters are actually going to be domesticated oh yes you'll be able to domesticate the courier's on your little farms on your freeholds in the MMORPG and basically that long tongue that they have that you can see in a POC right now they actually dig deep into the ground for gemstones preferably gemstones sometimes they just eat the rocks but preferably gemstones right and their digestive process allows actually they don't you know they don't go to the bathroom actually they they take those rocks and they and they begin to go towards their outer skin their outer so you can see armor right you can start seeing the gems in their shell and then you harvest those gems no no no they need those to be removed so that can continue to eat right yeah so they don't have a digestive tract the reason the reason why I got that digestive tract think this is I don't have you know it's in real life there are these little like creatures that live under your eyes and stuff and do you know how they died that's gross I know I'm just saying this is cool because of science right science is fun those creatures don't have a digestive tract that live on your eye they actually poop themselves to death because what happens is their body fills up with the digestive stuff it may blow up this is serious go look it up anyways that was the idea for the Cordilleras that they also eat the stones and then you have to this is the pride stocker and we are kind of showing off the different variations that we can have so you can see the different wings on them and so guys this pride stalkers from the summer crowd-funding extra month that we did and he is you know he's a variant to the Dawnbreaker as well which was the corollary pack in the kick starter month for you brave errs and above but here's some examples of how you can kind of tweak your your mount to have different like wings and colors you know they can have changes that more represent a customizable amount for you to identify with yeah and here and these are all models so these are the modeled versions oh here's another great thing right about what Apocalypse provides us you know normally an MMORPG there's a lot of art that goes into you know making a world alive and immersive well most of that art you know that pipeline doesn't get actually implemented into a game really you can experience until you actually hit you know the betas and the offers and stuff and and launch the game right and it can take years those are that art just sits into you know to perforce or posture waiting to be you know ready for alpha and our beta apocalypse allows us to actually give you this kind of what's the word is stable you know so to speak a stable or a hangar basing on other gives my caught but it's stable where you get to login and if you own these things we're going to have that available for you to purchase e in action in apocalypse so like right now our bravery yeah all brave of worlds and above if you're braver of worlds and above you get to login to apocalypse and you'll be able to equip your Dawnbreaker jump out in the sky my record changes to I know that that's supposed to be later but we can speak and so up to that so we did the same thing with a Dawnbreaker as you can see like there's different tinted versions that we can have those different wings that you can also get so yeah there's a lot of a lot of variation Jesse's been pumping these out and that's like the thing that's like when we create one creature it's not just one creature we can do a lot of variations on them and also we can we can adjust these two with our animal husbandry you're gonna be able to like you can see like the other one was like a like a lion plus this gorilla I see in chat a lot of people are like WTF what is this oh my God look at that thing that's exactly the reaction that I want people who own this in the MMORPG that I want them to see from players as they literally stroll by oh these will be ground-based as well right well depends on well you have the Royal if you have a royal title you'll be able to to fly these things but that's restricted to only a few number of people in the game so based on their achievements so when you see people flying you're like that's like a king now these mounds however will have some jump abilities where they can glide a little bit and that will be available regardless of if you have a royalty title or not so you know they'll have a little bit of a running jump and then can kind of glide down so to speak and that's a mechanic that we already have ready absolutely for the end and then we have we have some armor that we're gonna show off to Ethan Keith Kovacs and Chris Atkins knocking out armor this is the kale armor yet how cool is that somebody said how did this creature come to be an existence ask your parents about that we will be putting out some articles on those features to you so stay tuned and you'll get a little or Laura tench about them I'm excited I've been really having fun with the lore and releasing all that and having really cool videos to show like the progress of the creation process these are just stunning yeah absolutely so this is the this is the imperious you know here's another another cool thing about you know as you guys get to see these different armor pieces come to life through you know our streams that kind of show our development process for the MMORPG we get to actually you know test a lot of this stuff also by allowing different color variants to be available as cosmetics in Apocalypse and some of those you know our apocalypse being free to play really it just takes at a certain amount of time to kind of participate in either you know that free track on the on the adventure path and you can achieve a lot of these a lot of these cosmetics and carry them with you into the MMORPG if you don't currently own them yeah so that's pretty cool thing too and I think the last thing we've got is some environment stuff I know you were talking about the environment or we were talking about the environment earlier bacon I think is out sick today I love you bacon shout out to bacon burger so no little candies for Steve bacon why don't I have a Jolly Rancher wrapper a Samar Samar [Applause] isn't that a creature that's a grace period oh is it well Pathfinder your password is beautiful I got a say in Apocalypse I get killed more often looking at the environment stuff rather than paying attention to players coming to kill me it's so beautiful running around the all of the variety of environments and everything that's just absolutely triple-a top-notch look at this like desert yeah so they've been working on their desert terrain over the past month we haven't done any streams about our variable biomes that are in the MMORPG master map right I know that we have we want to do like a video that's kind of showcasing that - yeah but this gives you a little taste of one of those biomes yeah can you just imagine looking in that direction and seeing a giant desert dragon start like running and flying at you yeah props to the entire environment team and also Nate Soriano doing fantastic simulation stuff with with streams and ocean things and because the way that our world is it's like like a lot of it can be auto-generated stuff so for instance like in a town right like if there's a river that goes through that town then we have to figure out how how buildings pop up around that like a bridge comes over it like things like that so people can traverse so they've been working really hard on a lot of that stuff and once we get into a little bit more readystate with that we can show off the development process of that like we have for our other tools like if you saw if you haven't watched it you should go back and check it out we did our housing tool it showcases how our houses are built you make a little play test of those yeah we're not playing - sorry play list oh yeah there's oh cool yeah there goes the dev Diaries playlist March yeah yeah yeah they've been working really hard on this I know that they started with like the beach they did a lot of like beach textures and then they did the ocean and let's live there now they yeah now they have all of that yeah we should all go under the beach I think so I mean it will be hey I want to emphasize again from the animator point of view how important this apocalypse situation is everything that we're doing in Apocalypse is hardcore testing for the real MMORPG and I found previously that when we do things like arenas and we put people in a large area and we tell them to go fight a lot of them go hide behind the bushes until the last 10 seconds and if you don't get a lot of really good data though the the BR experience actually forces people to get in a concentrated area and fight each other and that is actually the best way to test everything very quickly over and over again so I encourage you players who are hardcore RPG players to you know open your mind a little bit take a break jump in apocalypse try out our new motion system and combat system combat and give us give us your feedback yeah actually that's a really good segue into the next slide because part of you okay okay hello can you hear me yeah yeah okay they can hear me you can see it on oh I can see it on the screen okay so guys actually that's a great segue into kind of a promotion we're going to be doing this what okay this weekend is if you are going to be participating in ashes of creation of pocalypse you have the opportunity to earn a for free the ember storm dragon this is a mount skin that will be in the MMORPG like all things in apocalypse and we will be giving it to everyone who achieves level 20 by September 30th that's so cool I know look how cool that it that guy is pretty cool you're not getting a hat you know you're not getting like a cool-looking belt or something look at that absolutely wow so we're gonna have actually another announcement too but we will we will save that announcement for after this weekend probably yeah yes another reward but basically guys we want to we want to make sure that you understand you know just the amount of help that apocalypse provides our our combat testing our back-end testing pretty much everything that goes into a foundational standpoint many systems in the MMORPG we want you to understand that and come in and participate in that and we want to make sure you know that we're providing you know it is a free to play experience but we also want to make sure that you see you know the rewards that you can achieve in Apocalypse that will carry into the MMORPG and this mount is just one of those examples so we really want to really want to reward you for helping us to kind of test these systems and I think you know incentivizing that with some some free rewards that are possible if you just play a thug actually combat is so that's why a lot of games don't do it right so we we've committed ourselves from the beginning to figuring out a system that will work for all the different kinds of play styles and I think that that's what's going to make the game so incredible for everyone is that people can come in and have a real action combat experience if they want it we know how to do tab targeting we've done that for 20 years absolutely so we we know how that system works but combine that with action systems that takes work and it takes development absolutely it takes a lot of testing - it does an iteration and so we count on our players to help us out yep you know and we appreciate everything that you think you guys do for us and I'd like to shout out to the community thank you for the snacks oh we had sushi and you know a lot of the other pee I back errs actually sent in a few times of pizzas and snacks and a whole bunch of stuff and we really appreciate we love our community so much really then it's the driving force behind you know why we are all here late at night over the weekends whatever it may be you know coming to work every day really is about building something that's gonna stand the test of time and be a lot of fun for you guys and we appreciate the support you gave us sending in that food and we can't wait to play either we can't wait to finish this thing so we can we all play together we do have a lot of questions so you can try to get through these really quickly where we are mode again we are over time already yes okay are you ready I just saw lunch arrived yes yes no yes yes no no okay anyone who's on this end is like afraid of me there it's not afraid it just you know we look further away on the screen than we actually are yeah I'm your life yeah we are really we're really close right now so we have Magic Man from the forums and wants to know are there any plans to add innovative features to the tab target side of the MMORPG combat so it becomes more skill-based similar to Guild Wars 2 um yeah I mean it's it's not all tab targeting skills will be the same right this is a hybrid system so we're gonna be you know yeah the controls I'm an ability will be based on what that ability does and we're gonna be cover and you know we don't want every class to play the same we don't want every ability to play the same and so yes we'll be doing a lot of experimenting on that side too and Kayla's wants to know will the new acrobatic leak or lunge apocalypse Battle Royale be in the MMORPG and or in the castle siege mode not in its existing format no it will be different there will be elements of it that are present perhaps gated by particular classes and or abilities that you might spec into within the skill tree and that moves forward in that way but in the battle royale really it's granted more as a traverse ability aspect and you know because the battle royale is is very a clean slate on everybody entering in and contingent on what you find in the game we wanted to give everyone that ability to kind of jump around and traverse hills because our map is very topographical not very similar to how they're to battle rails and we don't have any like you know quit building mechanic like might be fortnight or other study about there so and then the cache wants to know do you have any events planned for October we kind of already answered this earlier but there is something coming up in October stay tuned and of course we up with stuff stay tuned SCI max wants to know do you have plans for low-level raids ie level 10 or 20 oh yeah absolutely we were again like whole hosts are plan is to kind of make get rid of the endgame and like have stuff for everybody across all levels experience levels you know yeah and Caitlyn wants to know what variety of mage skills can we expect other than elemental ones from our physics mage skills can we expect other than elemental ones for art oh okay so you have like wow we talked about this a little bit right little bit so I mean there's there's there's like radiance and darkness there's you know the only the standard elemental stuff and then there's something you're gonna see some stuff when we get into alpha and beta testing that's going to be more driven by the lore of Ashes of Creation with regards to energy types that might be present there so you know that's kind of custom to our own universe yeah and then the next question is from Carlos who wants to know are there any chances that will have ship and naval combat in Apocalypse like a little a little is something that I have brought up yes it is also I mean it's it's a perfect place to test that kind of stuff so don't say no it's we'll see yeah so I mean as well just to contextualize that question right the whole purpose of apocalypse is it grants us the ability to siphon and silo out individual systems into their own game modes that can be presented for testing and data collection as well as our fun so naval combat as a system in and of itself is a fun system it can stand alone as a game mode particularly so is there an opportunity to be seen in a POC absolutely there is an opportunity the same thing with you know our Castle siege our horde mode our action combat testing in the battle royale you know all of those things are systems that can be plucked from the wide array that makes an MMORPG and allows us to test those and just really focus on that what happens you know naval combat art and it's also kind of you know I mean serves its own right you think about this right you know when you test a game right you have different types of testing you have your you know you have your prototyping when the systems being created by the designers and the coders you know it's very bare-bones you're just trying to get that up and running you have it moving to a little bit of QA where QA is getting in there and telling the designers in the you know coders hey this stuff's broken it's not working as intended you have polish where it's getting ready to be shown to a live audience or a broader QA system and then you move it out to a live audience with alphas and betas right with an MMORPG there's a lot of things that are working together they are they are dependent on one another in the MMORPG as well as systems that standalone so really what apocalypse does is it moves from the process of prototype to QA to live audience to polish to live audience and it gets that system where it's now being heavily pounded by a live audience and tested for what is wrong what is broken what is unbalanced what needs to be rethought and and we don't need to have that system a part of the wide array of the MMORPG to be tested in that way it can be done so in an isolated mode that then we can take data and information from and move into the MMORPGs more integrated complex array of systems and make sure that it stands up against the thousands of players who are going to be participating with it so sorry KS er wants to know will metropolis is be able to form military alliances and declare war on other alliances effectively causing a world war on metropolis to be able to military yes absolutely yeah so you know our node system has a war and peace and Alliance system right and you can have those statuses set with other nodes based on what the elected duly elected officials do hope it this question may have been asked before but digital wind wants to know well ships have wind mechanics and/or manual controls for sails or will they handle more like cars online yeah we just don't want the riders on these ships to sit there and do nothing you're right it's really cool to have mechanics on these vessels that can be interacted with by someone other than the captain those mechanics will include things like being able to augment the speed whether through a interactable on the sails being able to interact with weapons utility items defensive mechanics you know we want it to be a robust system will we be simulating you know actual sailing like with wind and stuff probably not but we'll try to approximate it yeah and amok Liston Oh will we be able to wield a spear and a shield together yes we will have one-handed Spears and usually when you have one-handed weapons you have a utility or a defensive ability on the other hand and Zach wants to know Zach that's an easy name I like that name some names I'm like I don't know if I'm saying it right so I apologize in advance if I say your name wrong should we choose to forego the ranged weapon slot in the MMORPG will we be able to expect further into our melee weapons than someone who did not forego the ranged weapon slot no we want that range weapon slot to be particular to good exactly yeah and Saturn Aurora slash insomnia both wanted to know how my how might have a patron deity be beneficial to a player in regards to types of character appearance or special augment character appearance and special augment so the religion itself is really going to dictate the augment ability that's provided by the temple that you are a member of and then your progress within that system is going to determine what augments now become locked in that tree with regards to appearance there's absolute going to be you know a number of quests that can be achieved by patrons of excuse me by omission or yeah followers or whatever of that of that religion that will be worn or capable of being worn and applied to armors or you know so the answer is yes there I should just say yes wants to know well the games support twenty one to nine aspect ratio for monitors that's a very specific question I don't know the answer though okay I will circle this and get back to you football wants to know will many or any of the question AOC have pop-culture references hilarious because it's a it's a it's a thing that happens it probably won't be prevalent is really important to us and we want to make sure that we don't take you out of the experience we have lore for every piece of weaponry we have we are our position on that is really to keep most of that stuff immersive will is there an opportunity that some four knobs and wigs yeah nothing weights absolutely right but those will all be in flavor and context so yeah lumber mark wants to know can we have subgroups in our guild yes you will be able to have subgroups in the guild you'll be able to to administrate those groups with names you can name the contingents and you can assign leaders that will have special chat privileges and that platoon exactly a year later myself it was a dying wish every time I played a game to have that type of administrative function and it was so sad not to see it a lot of more like strategy or engine games like I know I don't see them I mean very many games I really don't see it in and I think it's just a low-hanging I think exactly that's my point is that I think it's it's such an easy thing to do but I just think sometimes it's lost on the on the you know because therefore becomes a focus right and we're guilt okay yeah yeah Maris wants to know for breeding mounds a desire was expressed to limit our Angie in what ways might this occur timer is limited breeding attempts etc so I me personally I view RNG as a lever that can be reduced based on time committed to whatever that process that includes the R&G; is so basically if you're looking to let's say you know craft an item or breed amount or you know something along those lines the higher quality input you have to the process right which usually would take more time to get the more you can mitigate the RNG aspect of it now will you be able to entirely mitigate the RNG it depends on what you're doing this is genetics yes right so there's there's a sense of orangy that will occur there regardless but you know there are things like your skill level there are things like the quality of creature they are right well here I may be a perfect example at least with regards to the animal husbandry system right when you have a component in the animal husbandry system which is like one half of that of that process that half has a history it has a pedigree so to speak right and that pedigree equates to in the back end for us a value of basically a rarity number that it has the higher that number the more impactful it'll be against the RMG process there will still be an orangy because it is of course genetics we want to make sure that quantity is not just manually induced but also artificially induced through an orangy process as well so that it's that much more special when a person achieves a certain thing all right our next question is from it'll our bias I'd I'm definitely bashing that yeah what kind of out of combat skills can we expect it from the different classes out of combat skills yes it's like the Ranger codified tracking like we'll probably do you know when I hear a question I know like there's a hundred answers going to right example I gave is like you know finding like trying new tracks for the Ranger yeah they're they're absolutely you know we've demonstrated in the past like a pax events that you know some of the utility skills that can be used along certain quests sorta you know find certain markers out in the open world you know those things are kind of a house within specific class a lot of them is going to be a base ground traversal based around helping you solve different types of quests they'll be you know out of combat skills that if you are an explorer they'll be really useful they'll be different kinds of skills that if you were a tank that'll be useful yeah so I mean it's it's there to those are there to support and sort of inform the environment and help the environment things in the environment too like for instance if there might be a potion somewhere that you might need to use just so you understand our mind set on that philosophy is it goes back to more foundational aspect of what the game is supposed to be which is a lot of games we played in the back a past you know you know this there are there is pretty much one Russian path and that's your adventuring class right you go out to kill monsters you get experience you get it to the highest level and you unlock your skills and stuff our approach is to have many different type of progressive paths right whether it be exploration whether it be participating in the node system whether it be you know leveling up your artisan class whether it be your adventure clouding the market all of those different things so when we take your adventure in class and skills that are housed there we want to make sure that there is some representation for those other progression paths that have you to let utility aspects within your skill tree as well and that's kind of our philosophical approach to all right our next question is from OSHA one one two wants to know how many how many static attributes can we expect to see enough to require Spreadsheets question mark a number like there's sort of like a base set of six and then we have a bunch of what we call waterfall stats that kind of derive off of that I don't think it'll be like you know II level spreadsheet II but we want it to be crunchy enough that you know that it's interesting right like I am a crunchy numbers guy when it comes to creating characters I love breaking things in Pathfinder yes he does but like he absolutely does it's you know it's it's that's part of the fun for building a character is kind of mini mid maxing like those attributes and making them work for you so we don't want to have you make it so that it's necessary to use a spreadsheet in order to figure that stuff out but like if you really wanted to get into it as a DM as a DM and Pathfinder I particularly enjoy seeing what jeff has to bring to the path to the table because it's just I just make sure that the DC increases respectively to the party composition right so I've I see you know he has a high AC and Pathfinder I bring a lot of touch attacks yeah playing playing any tabletop with Stephen as a DM he will try to murder you Wow okay my philosophy is if it's not challenging it's boring so I just feel like if you're not getting away for an encounter with the little one you're gonna fight lol 13 character it's fine bring an AC 27 to a level 1 encounter then yes you want to twink it you want a power game it by all means I was showing I did and then it was fun lemon is and adorable on to know it's kind of cute together will so many with so many complex systems in the MMO are there plans to have a tutorial yeah well I mean not like a tutorial in like a tutorial sense right we certainly will have Lincoln onboarding experience for players to get familiar and get acquainted for these systems and not dumping dump all this on to somebody so fundamentally our approach to the tutorial question outside of what we intend to have from a UI perspective that's going to have tool tips and helping there is that the first five or six levels are intended to kind of take you through and touch just barely every kind of system that you might variance then in the broader game so it's not necessarily like this instanced siloed kind of tutorial that you have to go through and then you make your way into the real world instead we're just going to make sure that the initial process of introducing you to the world includes these quests that kind of take you to each Center all you are a new person on this on this planet and you need to learn exactly it'll be more of a immersive yes system else Phet wants to know will there be a and will there be advantages to wielding a one hander or hand and a half weapon by itself instead of with a shield or offhand I think this kind of sounds similar yeah so it's it's that'll be something that you build toward and not necessarily something that exists in and out of the weapon right but yes there will be passes and stuff that kind of support that I Nandor kind of you know fighting style we kind of want to represent these these types of fighting styles because everybody finds different things to interesting and you want to make sure that it's there for you and you can build toward it Ramudu wants to know on a scale from A to B do how bustling with NPC's do you plan to have towns be towns will have a good amount of NPCs also if it's metropolis versus oh of course absolutely but what I think what at the various stages of what those nodes will develop to every stage you know will have a good amount of NPCs yeah I mean the idea is I mean you guys know this but the idea is you're repopulating this world so you know there's a lot of traffic that's coming in here will it be an NBC on every corner you know no not exactly but there will be a sufficient number of NPCs to reflect that this is a populated area I'm gonna answer this next one Illya wants to know can we expect constant fixes updates and addition and additions for apocalypse especially for Castle siege after its release yes the answer is yes we are currently on a daily cadence I just mean that good from a build yes better but we'll have a cadence of like update so you're gonna get used to that what you guys know whenever those things are happening we'll get patch notes for those those big major fixes they'll be little are smaller patches in between as well as the bigger ones where we add more content and we know that squads and duo's are currently not available at the moment we will have updates for that we are currently working on that and we hope to get that to guys soon in the meantime playing solo still definitely gives us you know good data and allows us even to test live some of the issues we're seeing with the squads and duo's and we can get that fixed hopefully ASAP BR wants to know will you be able to show off your rare boss kills as freehold trophies yes mixed Ackerson wants to know in the MMO will different weapons of the same type of different attack speeds different weapons of the same type yeah and then doom FET wants to know will there be a class combo that is pure buffing slash D buffing versus doing damage sure I mean it depends I have expected they choose not to spec in - can you just want to damage skilling focus on the debuff skills and they could potentially do that I mean install the weapon they'd still have right you know have the option you have to attack that would depend on the class the archetype first of all and then some arc types would be more capable of that than others some will just entirely not probably popular Wow yeah just depend on your bill right like that's kind of how that stuff works I'm sure that there will be clever things that people can come up with they're not the Bible class yeah I think you'd still want attack taewoon wants to know the elves that exist within the under realm of era what do they call themselves that's a good question where we will we will reveal more about that specific lore as we move forward on those particular minor races and then I wants to know how are you addressing the issues with EU launch as it relates to my comp we are we are currently in constant communication with our partners over at my games and we are providing support as a matter of fact if you're in Europe right now the game center client is available to play currently it does work and even the steam EU executable is now working as well so you can log in and play currently and we are constantly pushing updates and fixes with not just our North American client but also our European partners and hydrilla wants to know what happens if I am in the middle of a quest or quest line that is specific to a particular stage of a node and that node changes stages that quest goes dormant or it has a secondary quest completion and/or objectives sometimes it will not be possible it's it's rarely this depends on the type of quest that we're talking yes but but like for the main storyline yes those will always have alternative like completion or characters that you can return to I mean you'll be notified about stuff if it upgrades right nothing changes upgrade upgrade always persists everything sorry but if it gets destroyed then we she now has a Scott Maggie this car is if it gets destroyed there will usually be an alternative way of completing it and then if it upgrades nothing changes I'm kind of how'd you get and our final question is from Daedalus are the class kits available at Castle siege mode going to be the same for hard mode no those classes are different I know I liked seven yeah so that's kind of impressed thank you so much for tuning and we hope that we got I think we got through all the questions so I thank you to toast for putting those together and consolidating toast does a really good job of grabbing them kind of rewording stuff so that it's easy for me to read and yet we want to again thank you all for helping us test we really really appreciate it it means a lot don't forget that promotion for this weekend now and we will send out messaging for that log in and play it definitely helps us out for testing if you enjoy the game feel free to stop by steam you can leave us a review and yeah we appreciate everybody's help yeah we're getting this thing done yes yeah we'll be sending this out via email on social and stuff like that so you'll get an update on it as well and you can share it with all the people that you know as well so that you know what's up and get your yourself an ember storm dragon it looks so badass of course follow us on all of things at ashes our creation to keep up with all of the MMO news we'll have some work goodies coming up in the next few weeks so definitely tune into that and then of course if you want to follow our apocalypse goodness you can check that out at AOC apocalypse on all the places so thank you all for tuning in we'll see you next month for another live stream yeah oh my gosh is there so going [Music]