Land management

Wiki созданная сообществом Ashes of Creation
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Harvesting Oak Timber in Alpha-2.[1]

As you draw resources from your surrounding area- what type of effect does that have on the land; and then also how effectively can you draw those resources without having such a deleterious effect on the land, which might impact future resource gathering for some period of time: And it makes relevant the movement of these players who are collecting these goods from the environment, that they actually cannot always just do so in one particular area, as the land management begins to degrade. So it actually encourages movement across the world to discover new areas that might not be as perturbed as the ones you're coming from. It's a very interesting idea. It's something that we're going to be prototyping in Alpha 2 and getting feedback on and testing.[2]Steven Sharif

Land management mechanics are present for gathering artisans.[3][2]

It could be could be positive or negative, or both simultaneously. So the land health value ties into the health of a specific ecosystem; and the ecosystem can scale with different segment sizes of the world, or the world itself: A biome, maybe a node, maybe the player's freehold. And the things that a player does in those areas will contribute to health in a positive or negative way. So doing something like rotating your crops might increase the health of the land because that's considered something good to do; and maybe apprehending or removing poachers that are over hunting a certain species could be helpful to the health of the land. Maybe the mayor puts out a request for players to try and get rid of invasive species that are plants- maybe they're overgrowing weed and it's stopping other valuable plants from growing.[3]Kory Rice
There's a particular reason for why that inventory system is intended to exist within Ashes; and part of that is from the aspect of everything in the world is gatherable and there is a land management system that exists behind those gatherable things. The land management system takes into account how players are interacting with the environment: how many of the resources they're withdrawing from the world; and that decreases the spawn rate within certain localities as those things go too high. So there can be a degree of economic warfare by sending players out into zones where you want to mitigate collection of resources. You send your players out there to take all those resources and then that diminishes the land management score of that particular zone.[5]Steven Sharif


Разведка plays a key role in helping gatherers track down and identify resources that spawn in particular locations through the use of surveying tools.[6][7][2]

Surveying is something that we're trying to use for gatherers to really interact with the things that we want to do with our dynamic world... Surveying is a way that you can track that stuff down. It will help you find places, will help you find particular resources, will help you find resources at a certain rarity; and so it should be something you could do as a gatherer on your own, or group up with other people to bolster up the power of your survey, or the range or reach of it.[6]Kory Rice
  • Surveying can also identify the types of resources that spawn statically within an area and also provides information about the seasons and locations they spawn in.[7]
Surveying is a way that players can check out an area for resources. Players can learn where resources are that are static and that grow back in the same location; but we'll also have resources and Ashes that can spawn anywhere, so surveying will help players locate those those resources. So if they're looking for something specific they can hunt them down. Surveying will also allow players to uncover hidden resources that players wouldn't be able to see with their with their naked eye. Another thing that a surveying would provide is some of the information that we're talking about before, like for instance if you survey- and inside of your survey area there's plants, you might learn what season that plant likes to grow in. You might learn whether it likes to be watered during the winter versus how it likes to be watered in the summer.[7]Kory Rice
  • Surveying can help uncover hidden resources that are not visible to the naked eye.[7]
  • Artisan progression unlocks higher level surveying tools that enable better identification of gatherable resources within a location.[7]
    • Unlocking surveying pylons allows the gatherer to adjust the shape and extend the area of their survey.[7]
You'd work with a surveying tool; and you set the surveying tool down, and that tool would have a specific area in which it's able to uncover and extract information about the resources that are in the area. As a starting out gatherer you might end up with one of the tools, but as you as you progress and become more proficient with using the tool you might be able to set up additional pylons and extend the area of your survey. That allows you to start making shapes and having more strategic areas that you're surveying. If you could connect multiple pylons to create a shape, maybe you could follow the twisting caverns of the cave. Maybe if you're out in the open like we are here you could just try and make yourself a nice widened shape to scan as much of the area as possible. So it'll be up to the player to be tricky with their surveying tool to try and get the most efficiency out of their survey.[7]Kory Rice

Resource tiers

Ресурсы will have differing tiers of quality for the same resource type.[9] This is somewhat similar to Star Wars Galaxies.[10]

You will have an opportunity to proc certain qualities based on your progression in the Artisan tree. So if you are a gatherer; and as you advance in your gathering, you'll have a higher opportunity to collect better resources.[12]Steven Sharif

Gathering tools

Щипцы-реквизит из Alpha-1, используемые НИП-кузнецами.[13]

Добыча ресурсов требует создания и использования инструментов для добычи, которые позволяют собирать ресурсы.[14][15]

  • Продвижение в классе умельца-собирателя открывает высокоуровневые инструменты для добычи, которые позволяют собирать ресурсы более высокого уровня.[11]
  • Инструменты будут обладать долговечностью и запасом прочности.[16][17]
    • Количество возможных использований инструмента собирателя увеличивается по мере того, как собиратель становится более искусным в древе собирательства.[16]
    • Инструменты могут стать неремонтопригодными и потребовать повторного изготовления.[17]
  • Умельцам не нужно будет использовать другие деревья навыков для изготовления своих инструментов.[14]

Инструменты развиваются в рамках дерева ремёсел, поэтому для того, чтобы собрать, обработать или создать что-то, вам потребуются соответствующие по уровню инструменты, необходимые на данном этапе навыка для выполнения поставленной задачи. К примеру, вы не можете добывать медь и мифрил одним и тем же инструментом.[15]Steven Sharif

Инструменты для добычи руды, трав, древесины и для ловли рыбы связаны с уровнем ресурсов. Например, топор лесоруба второго уровня поможет добывать древесину первого и второго уровней, но не выше.[18]

Редкость инструментов Уровни ресурсов Цена НИПа-торговца Местонахождение НИПа-торговца
Обычный 1 10 золота Стартовая зона Alpha-1
Необычный 1 - 2 100 золота Экспедиция (этап узла 1)
Редкий 1 - 3 500 золота Лагерь (этап узла 2)
Эпический 1 - 4 2000 золота Деревеня (этап узла 3)

Для обработки требуются чертежи зданий, необходимых для переработки ресурсов.[14]

Снаряжение умельцев

Ремесленная экипировка поможет крафтерам в собирательстве, обработке и ремесленных специализациях.[19][20]

  • Ремесленная экипировка может быть использована в "дополнительных" слотах, которые могут быть переключены между боевой и ремесленной экипировкой.[19]
  • Разработчики планируют сделать ремесленную экипировку доступной в Alpha-2.[19]
Ремесленная экипировка будет неотъемлемой частью вашей боевой экипировки. На данный момент это лишь предположение - мы протестируем это, но сейчас мы находимся в стадии планирования. Ремесленная экипировка может быть выгодна для собирательства; она может быть выгодна для обработки, ремесла или для вашей специализации. Со временем вы получите эту экипировку, вы будете использовать ее, она будет находиться в дополнительных слотах. Вы также можете активировать ее и применять ее внешний вид, если вам хочется. Затем вы можете сменить ее обратно на свою боевую экипировку. На данный момент это и есть наш план. Мы проведем тесты. Существуют некоторые разногласия с командой о том, как именно воплотить это в реальность, но мы планируем запуск данной системы на Alpha-2. Я думаю, у нас будет хотя бы пара комплектов экипировки. Мы продемонстрируем все профессии ремесла - от собирательства до обработки и крафта в ограниченном варианте на Alpha-2. Мы хотим добавить эту возможность, чтобы протестировать ее. [19]

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