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The world of Verra is a dynamic and ever-changing landscape filled with wonder, adventure, and danger. One of the many mechanics that allow us to achieve this adaptability is Events. Events are one of the primary ways that players will experience content. Events focus on delivering a reactive world that keeps players on their toes while changing up gameplay in a fun and unique way, providing challenges, and shaping the world around them. Players will encounter events throughout their entire time on Verra - from early progression to high-level dungeons and raids.[1]Peter Bisulca

Corrupted area in Alpha-1, design by Mia DelCasino.[2]

I think Ashes' whole premise is to incorporate events and changes and evolution that not only represents player activity but also incorporates random story driven interruptions to the normal flow of the world; and whether that be through blocking off specific roadways that are the lifeblood of a particular node's incoming resources, or having random raid boss appear in a zone that never traditionally they did before; and as a result it incurs a complete change of climate that's now affecting crop rotations; and only specific crop can come from that zone; and now the whole economy of the world has been thrown into chaos because no one's been able to down this boss yet, we can't get the corn we need in order to build the reagents on the alchemical side to create this craft- That's the type of domino effect system or event you want that appears in a natural non-injunction way, but it presents a problem to the players to that they have to accomplish something at least if they want to change it back to the status quo. Those I think are compelling events and those I think are ways that the world can introduce an element of randomness that reflects what we experience in the real world.[3]Steven Sharif

Events are things that happen in Ashes of Creation as the result of development in the world.[3][4] There are several different types of events that are triggered due to certain conditions (predicates) being met.[5][6][1][7] Events are scaled to fit local, regional, and global needs.[8][9]

Events... can be local, regional or global, and consist of boons or banes. They’re triggered based on a lot of different variables, and some may be one-off Events that occur once, and never again. If an Event is handled successfully, then something good happens to the local, regional, or global area. If it fails, then something bad befalls the local, regional or global area. They’ll relate to the overall Narrative, but don’t fall into its overall structure (for the most part). These are the things that will be written into history, and we imagine that as time grows, each server’s history will diverge more and more.[10]
  • Some events incorporate random story-driven interruptions to the normal flow of the world, such as blocking off specific roadways, having a random raid boss or mobs appear unexpectedly in a zone. Some may lead to wider consequences, such as climate change, plagues, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, or other natural disasters.[11][3][12][13][14]
    • There are events that lead to the spreading of corruption that players will have to fight back against. When these events occur players will need to participate to keep the intrusion on the material plane back.[15][16][17]
  • Events that are taken care of successfully have positive consequences and provide rewards based on the contribution of players during the event.[18][9]
There are certain effects that can happen in a world that does not have a proper response from the player population and that's the whole idea behind these events that can happen; that feel like these are natural world progression events if corruption starts to show itself as a response- as a push back to the player's development of nodes in the world itself.[15]Steven Sharif
There is the ability to fail. I know that is a strange concept for a lot of us nowadays playing more modern games, but there is absolutely a way to fail.[19]Steven Sharif
  • Events have cooldowns in addition to the predicates that are required to trigger them.[19]
Events absolutely do have cooldowns that cannot be forced to spawn repeatedly over and over again. Those cooldowns are not just something that's based on a timer, they're also predicated on certain actions occurring within the world.[20]Steven Sharif
  • If events are not triggered within a certain time period, they could occur randomly.[4]
  • There may be one-off events.[10]
  • Events do not target personal belongings such as freeholds.[6]

Event types

There are a variety of different types of events that are triggered due to certain conditions (predicates) being met.[5][6][1][7]

Event levels

The level of a particular event can be based on the level of the content that triggers it, or it can be set to a higher level in order to drive traffic back to lower level zones.[8]

For example, if the event takes place in a zone that has a base population of let's say average level 25, then one of the trigger conditions might be that 10 monsters of level 25 have been killed recently in that zone and the level 25 event will now spawn additional content designed for level 25 players. So these events aren't always going to be end-game they're going to be obviously appropriate based on the content in which the predicate system is informing, but they also could be something completely top level that is introduced at a lower-level area and brings population traffic of the players back to those types of things.[8]Steven Sharif
  • The more players participating in an event the more challenging the event will become and the higher the rewards will be for completing the event.[31][5][32]

Seasonal events

Calendar Events can be seen as holiday-related celebrations or other seasonal content. Imagine these Events as things you may experience annually, based on the cultures within the world. Some of these may derive from the seasons, and how the nodes in those areas are affected by them. These will most often be server-wide and provide unique content for a specific duration of time during the calendar year.[1]

Calendar events (seasonal events/holidays) in Ashes of Creation can be in-game events or they can relate to the real-world in some way.[24][33][25]

  • Events are not a direct parallel with real world events. Instead, there will be in-game lore behind seasonal events that can relate to the real-world in some way.[24][33][25]
  • Certain calendar events will incorporate the cultural identity of the various character races.[34]
Part of the things that they're working on is creating a lot of cultural identity for these character races and how we can bring about these calendar events from the perspective of each individual race. That's something that I think is going to be really helping identify or giving identity to each of the character races.[34]Steven Sharif
  • Seasonal events in-game may not exactly align with real-world seasons due to the different in-game seasonal cycle.[35]
Will seasonal events in the real-world align with the seasonal rotation in the game world? And I think in that sense probably not. That's going to require a little bit of suspension of disbelief in understanding that. But it's also fair that in-game events do not need to be perfectly cyclical like let's say seasonal events are in the real world. They could have a non-uniform cycle associated with them... There is something to be said for having that represented in the game as long as it's immersive; as long as it's contextualized within the story and the world and the universe that we've created; and isn't a direct homage to Santa Claus in the real-world, just to use a prime example of something.[35]Steven Sharif
  • Holiday events are not going be "campy" or immersion-breaking.[24]
We have a lot of ideas on how certain real-world holidays can be contextualized within the game world and seem fitting.[24]Steven Sharif

Events may bring seasonal change.[3][14]

Cinematic events

Ashes of Creation will have in-game cinematics (as opposed to pre-recorded cinematic trailers), utilizing tools to help tell the game's story from the player's perspective.[37][38]

Q: I have been wondering how you will capture the storytelling from a casual point of view. Arguably one of if not the best trailers out there is "Star wars the old republic" where they spend tons of money on capturing an audience through some phenomenal trailers. Are you looking to do the same or what trailers can we expect from Ashes of Creation?
A: There are certain budgetary requirements in order to afford very high-end cinematics and voice actors... and what that means is: how we want to implement on that front is really going to be in-engine, in-game- how we capture those scenes, how we capture those elements of story; and the good thing is that from a lore, narrative, and questing perspective, we have some functionality and tools that we're going to be utilizing to help tell the story from the player's perspective, because so much of the story is derived from player action, from community engagement, from the social interactions and decisions made along these different story arcs that can occur; and each server is different.[37]Steven Sharif

Адаптивный контент

Предварительный просмотр динамической точки интереса в пиратской тематике в альфе-1.[39]

На самом деле, это динамическая точка интереса. Она будет развиваться по мере того, как игроки будут развивать узел, к которому она привязана. Так что это её конечное состояние, можно сказать.[39]Jeffrey Bard

По мере развития узлов появляются новые точки интереса (такие как подземелья, мировые боссы и осквернённые области).[40][41] Этот контент адаптируется к прогрессу узла зоны влияния, в которой он находится.[39][42]

Определённые подземелья и другие достопримечательности на карте будут затрагиваться развитием узлов сервера. Некоторые подземелья будут разблокированы только если узлы разовьются до определённых этапов. Цели сюжетной линии для игроков внутри подземелий также будут зависеть от путей сюжетной линии, выбранных через систему узлов. Таблицы дропа в зонах и подземельях также будут привязаны к прогрессу в конкретных областях. Например, предположим, что люди построили узел в Регионе А, и открылась сюжетная линия, которая приводит игроков к исследованию руин (подземелья) в близлежащей области. К примеру, этот узел развивается в научной (промышленной) зоне… Это подземелье было доступно ещё задолго до того, как узел был развит… А теперь в подземелье появились новые виды монстров, которые включают в себя таблицы дропа, ориентированные на крафт, из-за развития этого научного узла. И, возможно, в какой-нибудь из комнат подземелья появится новый босс, к убийству которого привязаны несколько квестов. Например, загадочный предмет с сюжетной линией, которую можно продвинуть только в том случае, если в определённом регионе на другом конце карты определённый узел разовьётся до стадии мегаполиса. Наша система очень обширна в том, что касается взаимодействий и того, как мир реагирует на игроков.[9]

Осквернённые области

Предпросмотр находящейся в разработке осквернённой области из Alpha-1 на острове Alpha за авторством Mia DelCasino.[40]

Мир реагирует на изменения узлов, вы сможете увидеть образования скверны, искажающие и заражающие земли; само собой, они станут инструментом развития связанных с NPC событий, приводимых в движение прогрессией игроков в мире. Этими источниками зла предстоит заняться игрокам, иначе они начнут представлять серьёзную угрозу.[16]Steven Sharif

Все наши точки интереса и в целом мир реагируют на развитие узла… это один из примеров тех областей, которые будут расти с развитием цивилизации и противоборствовать с ней.[40]Jeffrey Bard

Осквернённые области (зоны/точки интересов) могут динамически развиваться вслед за прогрессией узлов.[16][40]

  • Предвестники, находящиеся на Верре в виде подземелий, представляют собой местности, в которых Древние способны проникать в материальный план. Эту возможность им обеспечивает распространение скверны.[17]
  • Осквернённые области являются источниками связанных с NPC событий, с которыми придётся разбираться игрокам, пока они не начали представлять серьёзную угрозу.[15][16]
    • Игрокам необходимо принимать участие в таких событиях, чтобы останавливать распространение скверны и сдерживать вторжения в материальный план.[17]
    • Если игроки не будут мешать распространению осквернённых областей, частота NPC-событий, направленных против узла, будет расти. Это может привести к прекращению работы зданий узлов и услуг, повышению уязвимости узлов к осадам узлов.[43]
    Если не уделять внимание распространению осквернённых областей, они могут стать весьма вредоносными. В этом и заключается смысл скверны — она представляет собой проблему, которую игроки должны решать, иначе она будет продолжать обостряться.[43]Steven Sharif
  • Осквернённые области не вызывают осквернения у самих игроков.[44]

Могут произойти определённые события, например, появление драконов или орд зомби, которые выйдут за пределы этих областей и нападут на постройки, узлы, точки интересов… и если игроки не будут должным образом отвечать на эти угрозы, то им придётся иметь дело с приостановкой определённых услуг, сокращением линеек заданий для определённых организаций. Идея состоит в том, чтобы эти области оставались частью правдоподобного естественного «ответа» со стороны мира, чтобы они могли становиться значимыми, учитывая негативное влияние, которое они могут оказывать на сообщество игроков.[15]Steven Sharif

Player driven narrative

One of the major goals I feel like we have is to allow player decisions to have consequences and to have meaningful results from the decisions that they make, so it seems like people can really create their own stories.[45]Aimi Watanabe

The world of Верра will be the same on each server, but Узлы will develop differently. Different servers will have different narratives. Things that happen on one server may not happen on another.[46]

We want as many people as possible to experience the main server Narrative. These will branch at different scales, but largely at the personal level. Where things change is at the Node level – different parts of the story will be unlocked based on where and when Nodes grow. Unlocking a part of the story in a certain way locks out progression of the story in a different way. You’ll see different antagonists, different NPCs, and different calls to action depending on what’s happening with the server at that time.[10]

It redefines what the players will experience in an MMORPG to come into a wilderness that is devoid of really any structure outside of what the community creates themselves; and then what can be created can be changed, if they want to experience a storyline that's been seen on another server, but you're fighting a dragon because you're near a mountain and the other server's fighting a Kraken because they're near the coast and you want to fight that Kraken because of its drop table. If you want to meta it or because you just want that under your belt: to be the server first to take out that Kraken and you have yet to develop the node there, it's incumbent upon you to manifest that in the game.[48]Steven Sharif

Monster coin events

Monster coin concept art.[1]

Let's say for example you have an event- that is the predicate for this event kicking off was that a raid boss was killed in a nearby dungeon; and it was killed for the 50th time, or it was killed by some particular storyline end or whatever the predicate system is in the world state to say "hey kick this event off". Well, when that event kicks off a number of spawners activate around the node and NPCs start moving towards a node. The node is notified, like "hey there's something happening here, you guys should put up your defenses focus on this thing"; and those with monster coins who are within the area and are not a citizen of the node or an affiliated node can choose to activate the monster coin to become one of the monster types that exist within that event; and that event has a number of targets; and let's say for this particular story arc the thing was we need to find artifacts and better weapons in order to defeat these bosses at the bottom of this dungeon; and a lot of players went through that process they found those weapons and whatnot. Well those things might be stored in three buildings that exist within the node. They might be stored within the armory; they might be stored within the barracks; and they might be stored at a workshop that has access to a workbench that they've chosen to build and that could also potentially serve as a predicate; and when you become the monster those are your three objectives; and you don't need to destroy all three. You potentially just need to destroy one, or you destroy as many as you can if it's a time selected event; and you might have targets that are NPC-related as well, such as the blacksmith that's at the workbench, or the captain of the guard who's at the barracks, or whatever who's at the armory; and you get to go in and you get to kill other players potentially during this who are helping to defend the city; and you can also make it to the objectives and potentially help in destroying the building, or killing the NPCs. That is the type of objectives that would exist within a monster coin system for an event.[49]Steven Sharif

Pre-alpha monster coin system.[50]

Sometimes the disturbed beings could take the form of packs of dire wolves, hordes of zombies roused from their graveyard, or even, rarely, an epic-tier dragon flying out of a volcano once a node reaches its maximum level. In any case, the disturbed monsters have to tackle a series of destructive objectives, which can either be handled by the AI or, more interestingly, by a player. The player in turn would attempt to complete all those actions much as in a multi-objective quest, hopefully before other players brought him or her down.[51]

Monster coins enable players to play as monsters within the monster coin event system. This ranges from playing as a horde of zombies, to becoming a massive dragon.[52][27][28]

During a Monster Coin Event, players will be able to activate Monster Coins, allowing them to become monsters and wreak havoc! These Events can be triggered in a variety of different ways, and in some cases they may even provide cosmetic rewards.[1]

Monster coin events are system spawned events.[27][53]

  • They are structured in a way to prevent groups from gaming the system.[53]
  • Monster coin events are triggered by activity in the world, such as node advancement, defeating a boss or constructing certain types of buildings within a node.[54]
  • Server messages appear for players in the vicinity of these dynamic events.[55]
  • The player will have a number of potential objectives they can choose to attack during the event. This may include node buildings, points-of-interest, dungeon, NPC, or other open-world objective.[49]
When you're playing as a as a monster from the monster coin use as part of an NPC event that might be targeting a node, or other some other open-world objective or POI, or dungeon, you get to participate as a monster and your focus is completing objectives that have already been prescribed as part of the event.[49]Steven Sharif

Древние are not going to be part of the monster coin system.[58]

Traditionally, the Ancients are not going to be part of the Monster Coin system. These are the primary antagonists of the story. From a lore perspective, and one of the reasons why they're not a part of the Monster Coin system, is because their souls have really developed almost to the point of perfection in manipulating the Essence for more corrupt uses. They haven't quite gotten there, and who knows if they ever will, but that attunes them out of the possibility: The reason why the monster coin system is possible with other creatures.[59]Steven Sharif

Развитие в системе монет монстров

Существует система развития, которая повышает уровень навыков монстров игрока в зависимости от того, как часто он участвует в событиях монстров.[60]

В Ashes of Creation большая часть мировых событий вращается вокруг реакции окружающей среды на игрока. Это означает, что по мере того, как игроки исследуют мир и развивают вокруг себя цивилизацию, окружающая среда реагирует на это вторжение, порождая динамические события и существ, атакующих эти развивающиеся города. Эти события бывают 3-х разных типов: уровень Legion, уровень Elite и уровень Epic.[61]Steven Sharif

По мере продвижения узлов, растет и масштаб монстров.[55] Существуют уровни событий, обозначающие масштаб порождаемых монстров. [28]

  • Уровень монеты монстра определяет его силу.[62]

GM run events

There will not be Game master (GM) run events initially, but the systems are in place to add these in the future.[63]

Server prime-time

События, связанные с PvP с захватом целей, такие как осады узлов, осады замков, войны гильдий и войны между узлами, будут происходить в прайм-тайм, примерно между 3 часами дня и 9 часами вечера по серверному времени. Это ещё будет тестироваться.[64][65][66]

Event states

There are five types of states that exist for events.[67]

Events are driven by what we call a state machine; and there are essentially five types of states that exist for events: There's the in-progress state; there's the active state; inactive; on cooldown; or disabled. And that is essentially a way that we inform what types of elements- what stage of activity things are coming online based on what event state is currently active at the moment. We talked a little bit about triggers. We have world conditions like node levels. We have seasons and climates and calendar; the service building activation relics; and completed raids. All of these things can be part of what informs- I'm not going to go into what everything can be. I don't want to dish out the nitty-gritties of the system per-se, but I'm just giving you an idea of what essentially allows events to become a thing; and then once those things are addressed or not addressed, certain cooldowns get triggered. Other conditions might trigger: It could form as a predicate for an additional event- there could be concurrent events.[67]Steven Sharif

История серверов

История каждого сервера будет отслеживаться и будет видна игрокам в библиотеке узлов.[69][70]

  • Писарь имеет возможность собирать и записывать информацию о событиях мира со своей точки зрения.[71]
Мы будем записывать историю мира для того, чтобы иметь возможность рассказать людям историю до сегодняшнего дня. Новый игрок, присоединившийся спустя полгода после старта, сможет посмотреть на каждый сервер, чего он достиг, в какую сторону двигался сюжет на сервере; и они смогут сами решить, к какому сообществу им присоединиться; в какой версии мира они хотели бы поучаствовать.[70]Jeffrey Bard


At Деревня (стадия 3) the academic node's unique building is the Library.[69]

In the past we talked about having a library that was capable of facilitating players exchanging information for map data like that, but we've moved a little bit more in a direction of just presenting that information up front to the player, because travel is such a meaningful portion of the game and we don't have fast travel. So, I think that for Alpha-2 what's planned is that we're going to be showcasing the intricate details of services offered at these node locations from just a UI presentation standpoint within the map.[72]Steven Sharif
info-orange.pngНекоторая из приведенной ниже информации не была подтверждена разработчиками и может не входить в текущую дорожную карту разработки.

Players can use the Library to access information, including (but not limited to) the following:[69]


Гоблины нападают на узел в рамках ивента в открытом мире.[1][11]

Сила монстров скалируется в зависимости от развития узла, предоставляя опору для изгнаников или возможность для смены власти.[73]Steven Sharif

В игре будут локальные, региональные и глобальные (серверные) объявления/оповещения о важных событиях.[73][74]

Уведомления о событиях будут распространяться разными методами в зависимости от события (его размера и уровня).[73]

  • Локальные события
    • Локальные события (такие как караваны)[76][77][78] могут предлагать игрокам поучаствовать через пользовательский интерфейс.[73]
    • Другие локальные события могут иметь слуховые или визуальные подсказки, позволяющие их обнаружить, при этом не используя пользовательский интерфейс.[73]
    • Локальные события, которые не были соответствующим образом сдержаны, могут получить развиться до регионального, или даже глобального масштаба.[73]
Важная вещь которую стоит отметить, говоря о событиях в целом, это уведомления которые будут отправляться игрокам. Игроки могут присоединиться к событиям так же, как они приняли бы квест. Вам будут показывать окошко "Хотели бы вы принять участие?", но это не всегда будет выглядеть именно так. Вы можете услышать как падают деревья в лесу, и это намекнет вам на то, что тут что-то происходит. Что-то не так. Обычно в этой области нет таких звуков, так что я пойду и проверю, что происходит. Так что события не всегда будут отражены в пользовательском интерфейсе. То, как игроки узнают о событии, может зависеть от его стадии. Например, пока событие разворачивается локально, оно может заявлять о себе только через видимые и слышимые проявления, и вам стоит принять участие уже на этом этапе; но когда событие будет прогрессировать (например, если вы не отреагировали вовремя), оно может перейти на региональный уровень, и тогда событие будет отправлять оповещения гражданам узла, с которым оно связано, или даже большему количеству игроков. События, находящиеся на глобальной стадии, тоже могут иметь видимые проявления - действительно большие, как, например, гигантская метель, которая влияет на некоторую область, т.к. событие не было вовремя сдержано; и это может повлиять на рост урожая, или изменить дороги и известные проходы, меняя маршруты караванов. Тут много моментов, в которых система условий информирует систему событий, а потом система событий реагирует на определенные условия.[73]Steven Sharif

Будь это осадой или сработавшим событием против города или уникальной возможностью для подземелья... Такого типа вещи будут включать оповещения. Особенно граждан города; где вы и будете проинформированы о наступающем событии. В общем, это предоставит вам время.[75]Steven Sharif

  • Региональные или глобальные события
    • О более масштабных событиях может быть объявлено всему региону, или даже всему миру.[73][74]

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